Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We have come full circle

Well, after weeks of crying and unhappiness, Mason is back in Whitehouse at his old sitter. We figured if he didn't adapt after a month, it wasn't going to happen. Also, when you have an unhappy child all day every day, he is still an unhappy child when he gets home. Thus the change. I will keep you abreast of the situation as time passes.

Today was another first for Mason. While trying to exit Brookshires with his mother, golf ball sized hail pelted the pavement and mama's black car. We only have 40-50 good sized dents in the previously unscathed auto. Mason loved it though, came home telling daddy that ice was falling from the sky. I liked the story until I saw mama's car. :-(

Another first for Mason this weekend, his Gigi bought him some footies (Trisha knows what I'm talk'in about!). Mason loves them and calls them his new socks...I guess they are socks, but technically they are attached to the pants, who cares...he LOVES them!!!!

Sorry, daddy didn't take the best picture. Well, it has been a fairly boring week around here. We are just hoping the change of daycare will bring our fun loving little boy back!

I know last week I said everyone should climb on a piece of machinery for fun...I've got another one for you. We did go to the Intermediate school on Saturday and play on the playground. Mason loved the see-saw among other things. But as always, he loves to swing. He would swing for hours if daddy could last that long. But what memories that brings back, the same feeling in the gut of your stomach when you go a little too high. It is almost as if you were still young...if you couldn't see those adult legs sticking out in front of you. If you haven't swung in a while, go...it is really a treat!


Alison said...

Oh goodness.. poor little guy. I really hope the change is for the best. It must be stressful for you guys to go through all this. UGH! I'll be praying for some happy days for you all very soon.

E @ Scottsville said...

Awww, I know that has to just break your hearts every time you dropped him off and knew he didn't want to be there. Hope this week is going better!!!

Sorry to hear about your car, "Rhumba". Bet you'd forgotten that we called ya THAT! ha ha ha

♥ "Yucca"

E @ Scottsville said...

PS - did you see the Photo Booth pics on my blog? You're in 'em. "Doodle" checked them out & even left a comment. ☺