Mason is 5. I guess I'll just have to get used to saying it...just doesn't sound right. Guess it should be, he is practically grown with the exception of not being able to touch the pedals when he drives the car!

For his birthday, Gigi and Granddad took him, along with Aunt Jaime, to the LEGO store in Dallas. Four boxes of Lego's, a trip to the Dallas World Aquarium, and a custom made cupcake later, they rolled back into J'ville. I would say the boy is spoiled, but that doesn't touch the tip of the iceberg!!!

Mason had decided he wanted to have his birthday at the Villages Water Park. He got his wish the following Sunday afternoon. We had three of his best buddies and their families there, and he had a blast. Mason is all about being outside and exploring. His face gets beet red in the heat, but it doesn't seem to bother him. He has become more "manly" lately, wanting to throw the ball and frisbee, also wanting to go with daddy places...which makes me happy! He is definitely growing up right before our eyes.

Our girls had a good time at the water park as well. Anslee wasn't real sure at first, but then loved it. She wanted to walk up and down the stairs of the play scape over and over!

She had a big time with daddy in the wave pool as well! She is getting big...I mean really tall! She is also pigeon toed, but the doctor says she should grow out of it. She is constantly into everything and has an incredibly annoying squealing sound she makes when she doesn't get what she wants. Her mama will back me up on that. Sounds somewhat like a terradactyl about to attack! Good thing is, she will eat anything. She loves to play chase/hide and seek around the couch and/or island. She is trying to run and it's the funniest thing you've ever seen! Usually ends in a face plant, but she gets up, shakes it off, and tries to run again.

I will leave you with this picture of Mason and Aunt Jaime. It just shows you how grown up our little guy is. His face is changing, the shape of his head, his little muscles are starting to show, it's sad and exciting all at once. Mason and I went to the convenience store last night to get Amber a Dr. Pepper and I grabbed us an ice cream sandwich to share on the way home. He loved it, but I told him that it would be "our" secret, not to tell mama. This has never worked before, the first thing he does is run inside and say, "Mama, we had ice cream!" But last night, not a peep. As I said, sadness and happiness at the same time.