Well, I think she is lacking enough iron in her diet and is trying to let us know. Really though, two teeth and this is the best thing you can find to chew on?! Ha! She puts everything in her mouth. She doesn't go directly to the mouth, she is intelligent about it. She picks up an item, briefly inspects it, then...in the mouth. I guess she is deciding if it is worthy!

Mason is always in one spot in our house. The Lego rug. We have told him to keep his Lego's on his play rug for safety sake with Anslee. He does pretty good with it. The Lego's are the only thing the boy wants to play with. Hours upon hours. We have contemplated doing an every-other-day schedule or something. I suppose it is good on some levels and bad on others. The picture is his rendition of the "Magic School Bus," if any of you know what that is. I thought it was pretty good myself! He is really creative and does some awesome stuff.

A few weeks ago, the letter for the day at school was "F." The teacher gave mason a piece of paper with the letter "F" in the bottom corner and then finished up the word with "ish." Well, if a teacher gave me a paper with the word fish on it and wanted me to illustrate it, I would draw me some fishes! Not my boy. He drew a submarine with a periscope. The sub had an arm extended from below it with a net on the end to catch fish. Also, the sub had windows and a propeller. He threw a couple of fishes in there for good measure. It is a shame that as we get older and conform to the world that we loose such creativity. It is almost inspiring to see the things he comes up with in his head. I can't come up with anything worthy of the fridge :-( !!!

WHAT TIME IS IT!!!!!! Acceptable answers are: 1:00; Mickey Mouse Clubhouse time; and cartoon time! Mason is always up for a good cartoon (if you can peel him away from the Lego's). And Anslee seems to take an interest from time to time, but only for one to two minutes. About the time we notice she is still and watching, she moves on to something else.

Anslee has started sitting up to go along with her standing and walking along the furniture. She hasn't tried to walk on her own yet, she seems content with her current progress. She is such a princess when it comes time to sit from a standing position. She eases down, ever so gingerly, until she is seated. The drama levels are going to be high at our house in 14-15 years! Ugh!!!

Mason is really a big help around the house. He helps watch his sister and picks up so that she doesn't get things she shouldn't. She will crawl towards some of his things and he will run over and pick her up, much like this picture, and carry her to the other side of the living room. Only takes her 3.2 seconds to crawl back, but it is a funny chess match to watch!

And finally, I took the big dog camping last weekend. He loved it. It was a lot of work for daddy though. I didn't put too much thought into not having any other supervision or help in many of the tasks that are required in camping. He did help me pitch the tent! We had hot dogs and smores, slept all night, and then bacon and eggs for breakfast. He was a great camp buddy! I look forward to us going again!
1 comment:
I know it takes extra time out of you day, but thank you for updating this. It makes my morning to see these sweet faces when there is a new post!!! Love you!
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