That is my only excuse for not blogging. I'm just sorry. I do love my kids and play with them, take pictures and all that good stuff...just don't share it with you as much!

Have you ever seen eyes that blue? She pretty much rules the roost around here. She decided to pose for mommy while sitting with daddy. She is such a joy. She is saying "da da, ma ma, bub ba," and some other noises we can't quite decipher! Standing when she is brave. She can balance for probably 3 seconds, then back down. She is a speedy walker when she is holding onto something, it's only a matter of time before she takes off!

Here is "prissy pants" and Anslee, oops, I got that backwards! Ha! Amber and the kids went to a flower garden with Jen, Maddie and Molly Carlile. They had lots of fun. Didn't realize the kids couldn't play in the flowers and what not, had to stay on the path and behave. Where's the fun in that???

Here is our sweet Maddie. She loves Mason and they play so great together. They are such hams when they are together, this is the best picture I have of them when they are both smiling and looking "towards" the camera!!!

The new header picture is our best Easter picture as well. Aunt Jaime came home for Easter and may have some better pics, but I haven't seen them yet. Jaime started a new job last week and from all I understand, she loves it. I am so very happy for her! We just wish we got to see her more. Mason loves it when she is home!

Sweet smiles from a sink bath!

Finally, Mason said to tell you he will rough you up if you give daddy any lip about not blogging in so long! Haha! He battled a stick at the flower garden and the stick won. We would have more pictures of him, but the only thing he is ever doing is playing Lego's! I love my little guy. He has decided to run and hug me about every third day when I come home...I'll take it! I want so much to never fail him, to never disappoint him, to always encourage him, to be all the things my father was to me, and the things he wasn't. Maybe you can't be all things, I don't know. I am going to try though. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:21
You are a great dad! Good pics of the kids.
For the first time, I think Anslee looks a little like me when I was that age in the picture where she is posing. :)
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