Well since we last spoke, I think we have spent 9 out of 10 days in the water!

It all started at the Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas. Anslee stayed with Gigi and Granddad while Mason got the whole weekend alone with mama and daddy. Boy did he wear us out!!!

If you can't see the excitement and happiness in this face, you better make an appointment with the eye doctor! He asked us a million times if he asked us once, "Mama, daddy...do you want to sleep in my cave with me?" I think I took a nap with him and Amber laid by him until he went to sleep one night. He had a blast! He thought it was sooo cool that he got to sleep on the top bunk and that he had his own tv in his cave. We hooked up his portable dvd player to it so he could watch movies at nap time and he was in heaven!

There are really just too many pictures to show you, but again, his smile sums it up. His favorite thing to do, along with all the big people tube rides, was to hop across these floating lily pads in one of the pools. He tried and tried and couldn't make it. He never gave up, or even considered giving up. We had to tell him, "Come on Mason, we'll try again later." I mean, after a dozen times or so. On the last morning, we were the first one's in the door and let him go straight there. After only one failed attempt, he finally made it across!!! Miraculously, it was easy then and he had to do it another half-dozen times to rationalize in his mind that he had conquered the lily pads, and he did. He has such a fun and determined personality!

Next, we had Anslee Kate's birthday at the lake. You can look at her face and know that she knew it was all about her. She is such a priss! Her smiles and laughs make me melt though. It's hard to believe she is one already. She is walking, talking some, and has enough personality for all of us! Her favorite thing to say is, "da da." I think it is a definite sign that I am the best! Haha! She loves to see me though, and loves to play hide and seek with me around the couch. She will peek around the edge of the sofa to see if I am behind it and I will crawl around and scare her from behind while she is looking. I wish I had a video of how hard she laughs when I do it! Like I said, lots of personality!!!

Amber made her this beautiful cake and she loved it!!!

I think someone must have tried to take her cake away, and she gave them the serious look!

Wednesday, Amber, Mason, and Anslee went to Burleson, to stay a few days with our friends the Carlile's who were house sitting for their parents. Their parents happen to have a pool...where the kids spent most of their time! Mason and Maddie had a really fun time together as usual. I think Jennifer and Amber thought it would be a little less difficult than it was corralling four kiddos, but they did great as they always do. Trey and I drove up Friday evening to find six tired souls! Fun was had by all and we appreciate them inviting us for the fun long weekend away.

And finally, after all that water, these two were begging to play in the tub Saturday night when we got home! What a pair! They bring such joy into our lives each day. I realize they are a gift from God, not to be possessed as mine, but to be raised by me for Him. My love for them only make me realize how much more He loves me.
Get out! Anslee CAN NOT be one!!! Are you sure about that? I love the pictures. You have such beautiful children. Great job on the cake, Amber! I want to eat that icing right now.
By the way, in case you were missing Mason the other day, he was busy in Dallas... piloting Josh's remote airplane, driving Josh's tractor, then he was on the phone with Josh for about an hour... or so Josh said.
I'm in LOVE with Mason's cute little smile in the picture of him in his monkey PJ's in front of his cave. That is one happy little guy!
you have two wonderful kiddos and a wonderful wife...we love yall! Thanks for letting us spend so much time with them. Your words of insight are such a great reminder...thanks for sharing.
Such beautiful babies... Even if they're not babies anymore. Happy belated birthday to Anslee!!!
{Hugs} to all of you!!!
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