We had a really good week last week. Nothing too exciting except for my wife waking me up with contractions at 2am on Thursday. She said I patted her on the belly and told her it would be ok and went back to sleep. I don't think I did that though. Ha! Seriously though, she did have contractions until late in the day Friday and then they quit. Thank God for progesterone shots!!!
Mason has been excited about Anslee coming. Amber had a super shower at church Sunday afternoon and got tons of diapers and stuff. Mason helped haul all of it upstairs to her room this evening. The bigger the box of diapers, the more he wanted to carry it! A regular ole pack mule! I think it tired him out though, he went right to sleep tonight!
That is all I have for now. No pictures this week, wifey didn't charge the camera! I am doing it now though. Maybe next week will be better documented! Ha!
1 comment:
So will Anslee be getting her OWN blog, or will this blog's name be changing?
Or will Mason still rule the roost and Anslee will be the princess in HIS kingdom? =0)
Glad you had a great shower, Amber. I wish I lived closer. =0(
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