Boy did we have a busy few days this weekend!!! First we started off with a garage sale Saturday from 7am-2pm. Went really well I thought. And since it was my birthday, I decided to put all proceeds into the purchase of a riding mower. Probably a good idea since I sold my push mower in the garage sale! Ha!

Mason and I had a blast trying it out and seeing what all the levers and buttons did once I got it home...until it started raining on us! So Mason went inside and I finished mowing in the rain, ugh. I was committed though, had to finish! This mowing episode was Sunday afternoon.
On Saturday afternoon, when I actually went and purchased the mower, my wife said I had to hurry home to go to a function for my cousin at the lake and then to mom and dads for dinner. I grumbled to her saying, "We are just trying to fit too many things into one day." Almost to the destination, she told me to turn left to a friends lake house where all my buddies, wives, mom and dad, aunt and uncle were all waiting to surprise me. I am not big on surprises, but I had no clue she had done all that. We had a great time eating dinner and visiting. Dad cooked burgers and mom cooked corn on the cob and all the fixings. Yum.

That is my buddy Chris sitting my Mason and I. He drove all the way from Dallas to celebrate with us. I felt so guilty that he missed Mother's day with his wife and son to come to my party. And to boot, his wife cooked these awesome smore brownies that you can only eat one a day because they are soooo rich and you will go into a sugar coma!!! I washed them down with some of the DP she also sent...Al you are too sweet! Thank you.

I am so very blessed to have such a great group of friends that have stuck together for nearly 30 years for the most of us. People find it odd when I tell them that I have lunch with life long buddies nearly every day for lunch. It is a rare thing to have ONE good friend, and I have so many. It reminds me of the story in three of the four gospels about Jesus teaching in a man's house and four friends take their friend, a cripple man, and carry him on a blanket for an undisclosed distance to Jesus. Upon arriving, they cannot get in the door, so they climb on the roof, cut a hole, and lower the friend inside where Jesus is. I have friends that would carry me as far as I had to go...and they know I would do the same for them.
Sunday, we had Mother's Day! We went to church, then home where Amber had purchased all the fixing for gourmet deli sandwiches for our family, my mother, and grandmother. We all had a good visit and lunch. After everyone went home, we let Amber take a nap on the couch and then we mowed as I mentioned earlier. We all had a good day together. Well, this was a long one, sorry. I hope everyone of you had as great a weekend as we did!!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Josh!
Happy Belated Mother's Day, Amber!
Happy lawn-mower-ridin', Mason!!!
Glad you had a good birthday, Josh! I wish I could of hand-delivered those sugary treats for you, but church duty calls! We missed you guys! Here's to another 33 wonderful years!!
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