Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, I was just about to finish a long blog...and my computer shut down Explorer. I hate computers. I'll give you a picture or two and fill you in AGAIN soon. Sorry.

Well, I got all my pictures in, I figured I would type again. We have had an uphill battle with our 3 5/6 year old. He has pushed the envelope in every direction possible. I am praying that with little sister coming he will act more responsible and selfless. We'll see...I know those are big expectations for a little guy!

My wife had told me the name of our daughter. It is Anslee Kate. I was allowed to pick the middle name...I feel so honored! Ha! We had a tough time deciding, but there you have it. This is about all I know. Amber and Mason are both awaiting the end of school! I don't know what I'm waiting for, but I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out! I will try hard to give more details next week!


E @ Scottsville said...

I love the name. Good job Amber... AND JOSH. =0)

Just remember, Cameron was called "Bailey" for 9 months until he was born and the doctor said "She's HERE, but she's a HE!"

=0) Be sure you have a back-up boy name. Anslee might be a little too girly on him.

E @ Scottsville said...

PS - ♥ U guys!

Alison said...

I LOVE the name, Anslee- I love her already!! Kate was our girl name for Josh - it's a good one. Mason is looking quite handsome. Miss you guys!