And 'ole blue eyes here...she makes quite a fuss as well...just not in front of the congregation at church! She is doing great! She is sleeping all night...or at least 5 of the 6 previous nights. She turned three months yesterday. Where does the time go? She is happy for the most part...has laughed for Amber...just smiles at me mostly. It is a beautiful smile! She has a really sweet personality and wants to coo and smile at anyone who will give her a smile :-)!
Gigi and Aunt Jaime are cruising the Caribbean as I type. They called and said they were having a blast. I asked dad if he thought they were going to pay for us to have a "father/son" trip...HA! Fat chance!!! Jaime has started a website and home photography business on the side. She is really good and she really loves doing it. Someone wise once said, "Do something you love and you'll never work another day." She may have found her calling!?! Her website is www.jaimepphotography.com if anyone wants to take a look see.
Well, I'm full of info, but don't have many pics this time. I hope to have more next week.
Anslee went on her first scooter ride already. I know, you think she is looking at her mama asking, "When will daddy get me off this thing?" But really she was saying, "Why are we going so stinking slow, I wanna go fast like bubba!"
This is the look I normally get from her...really serious...not sure if she is about to scream or shoot holes through me with super laser beams that come from her eyes!!! All jokes aside, she HAS smiled a few times in the past week. It may have been gas, but we are counting them as smiles!!!
She loves her bubba and he loves her. I think she ranked three kisses and hugs before Mason and I went to church today! We promised him he could be the very first one to see her after she was born. He was so very nervous as I went to the waiting room to get him. He is such a big boy and has such a grasp of what's going on...we are so proud of him.
We were allowed to come home Tuesday morning around 9:30am. Amber had a smashing headache and I was just plain ole' tired. Turned out, Amber's headache was a spinal headache. I took her back to the hospital just today to get a blood patch and she is feeling much better tonight. I wish that on no one...it's hard enough the first week at home with an infant...exponentially harder with a migraine-like headache. We are all good now!!!
Sorry I don't have more pics. My sister was there with her camera and took lots so I wasn't so concerned with clicking pictures. Thank you all for your prayers, phone calls, and text messages. They have each been an encouragement and energy boost! I think we will still call this blog "Mason's House." We just have an additional occupant now!!!