This is the look I normally get from her...really serious...not sure if she is about to scream or shoot holes through me with super laser beams that come from her eyes!!! All jokes aside, she HAS smiled a few times in the past week. It may have been gas, but we are counting them as smiles!!!

On a sweet note, I just polished off a whole role of Wild Cherry Life Savers. Yuuummmm-O! How excited was I the first time I found out they made a whole roll of cherry flavor?! They are my favorite hard candy in the whole world, I think?! Mason's favorite at the moment is grape bubble gum...he is always asking for it, so I have to keep a stash in my truck console to dole out on special occasions! Anslee's favorite is Similac. Ha! Have a great day!!!
Well, at least y'all are "getting by" until she outgrows this phase. Either way, she LOOKS like a total little angel. =0)
I was noticing that y'alls name "jamas" still fits as long as you name the next kid with an "S".
I guess I'll leave that alone until Anslee outgrows this little phase. Then we can talk! =0)
hang in there....hopefully it will pass soon. She sure is cute though!
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