Where did it go? It may have floated away, as much rain as we have had here. Almost two feet in a month...that has to be some kind of record...and guess what it's going to do tomorrow...yup, 100% chance of rain.
This is what Anslee thinks of the rain! She said, "No, not again!!!" She sure is growing fast. She has rolled over, and we think she is about to teethe...note all the slobber on her hoodie. She has definitely had an attitude change since the last blog, all smiles now. She loves to watch Mason and has to be where she can see him. He loves her and wants to be in all of her business, showing her exactly how to play with each toy in the exersaucer!

Mason was pumped about going to the pumpkin patch! Ha! He is getting so big also. He is really enjoying school and learning alot. He is all about deer season and wants Granddaddy to, "shoot a deer with a bullet and make some sausage." That is a whole other story, just ask sometime. ;-) Seriously though, I have been wanting to take the boy camping, but the weather has hexed it more than once. Maybe this weekend?!

Amber's folks have been here for the past couple of weeks. They left yesterday headed home. They will come back at Christmas. Mason always loves getting to play with them. Anslee took a few days to warm up, but eventually did. Amber, Erin, and Sharon went on cruise to the Caribbean this past Thursday. Spoiled bunch of women, if you ask me!

Well, that is about all I know from here. Sorry it has been so long on my posting...just really busy. Guess we'll wave bye for now!

And what a beautiful little wave from Anslee! How cute.
Beautiful picture of Sharon, Erin and Amber! Did they seriously get to go to the Carribean? Seriously?
And what, they couldn't stop and pick me up along the way? Seriously? Do you KNOW how BAD I need a VACATION? Ha ha ha
Love you guys!
Great pictures! Anslee is beautiful and Mason getting so big! Maybe I can get my dad to come stay with William and Gabriel so my mom and I can go on a cruise! Oh, how wonderful that sounds...ok, I woke up. It'll never happen! You're a great dad and husband!
Love you guys!
we have missed seeing yall. Love the pictures and would like to get together soon for dinner or lunch or whatever...
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