We had a fun Thanksgiving day at Gigi and Granddad's house. We had 23 family members...I think...and we all ate and visited until we couldn't any more. So much good food. Aunt Lorna and Uncle Richard brought some Cajun turkey...I must have eaten 3lbs. myself. Must be why I'm still sleepy even now as I type, ha ha!!!

After the eating subsided, the scooter riding commenced! These kiddos rode, and rode, and rode, and rode those scooters. I broke a sweat pushing them back up the driveway after they got to the end! Look at the determination on Mason's face in the second picture...what concentration!

After they played outside for nearly an hour and a half, they all but crashed. Have you ever seen four kids ranging from 3-6 sit nicely at a table and play calmly with Playdo? Mason fell asleep on the way home at 6:30 and slept all night. I could handle that once a week! Ha!
Friday morning, Mason and daddy hung out while mama went shopping. She is nuts. We had lots of fun doing guy stuff and running errands. We finished decorating for Christmas and Mason was a big help. We wanted to get him an "Elf on the Shelf," for the weeks leading up to Christmas, but haven't found one. I think we will get one for next year though. Pretty neat behavior check for the little one's when they are old enough to understand.

Finally, I was so proud of Mason Sunday night when he put together his 24 piece Mickey Mouse jig-saw puzzle with only one or two hints from daddy. So when I came home tonight and Amber showed me this picture, I was even more proud. He did it all by himself, no help. I am so thankful for the good boy he is...he is such a blessing. Hopefully he will be 5 or 6 years old before he realizes he is smarter than 'ole dad! Ha!

1 comment:
Awwww, way to go Mason! Great job on the puzzle. =0)
I love the side photo of you and your daddy on the scooter. I seem to recall a picture of you MOMMY on that thing too!
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