Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mellon Head!!!

What to do with that big Mellon? This is the big question that we have here at Mason's house. His big 'ole mellon seems to get in the way constantly! Saturday we were playing on the floor and he took off to the toy box to get something, tripped, and left a dent (not really) in the table holding the television. It left a quarter sized knot on his head and he milked it for about two days.

Then Monday when I came home from work, daddy was on the floor being the "horse" and Mason the "cowboy" and we were riding around the living room floor. Of course, the horse always bucks off the cowboy and daddy WAS being careful. Mason was having such fun that once he came off and was sitting on his rear, he decided to tump himself over banging the other side of his head on the coffee table. Another knot. Who knows what the people at day care say about us? Ha!
Well, after me telling you of Mason's toughness...look for yourself. That boy was pushing the blocking sled all by himself. Whatever! I was telling him not to be a lineman, he'll have to push that thing all over! Ha!

As you can tell, after lunch Sunday, Mason chose to return to the football field over the park when given the option. Mama brought the camera this time!
We built a fort...
Conquered it...
And tore it down.

Then built another one! We must have played for nearly two hours...until dark anyway. We had alot of fun. He went right to sleep Sunday night! We wish all of you a great Thanksgiving holiday. We are thankful for each of your friendship and love.

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Right back atcha, Mason! Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving spent with family and friends!