Well, it has been one of those weeks. For daddy, the hurricane has played havoc on the work schedule. There is no less than 800 trillion people with a hole in their roof from a tree or limb and want Prewitt Construction to fix it...TOMORROW! I'm not complaining, just venting! Ha!
Amber has been swamped at school with six weeks tests and the ususal. Mason is just chill'in like a vill'in, oblivious to it all, like any child should be!!!

This is our corny son in a pair of his mothers shoes. She laughs at him histarically...I somewhat frown on the whole hoopla. These kind of pictures always come back to haunt you when you are twenty-something!
Mason is so very excited that it is October/Halloween time. He is all about the fall things, hay, pumpkins, leaves on the ground. He and Amber are going to a pumpkin patch with his school tomorrow. We took him last year and he really enjoyed it. I'm sure we will have some pumpkin pictures next week. He is constantly talking these days. To us if we will listen and then to himself when we are not. He has been singing this song that my mom taught him:
One little, two little, three little witches,
Flying over haystacks, flying over ditches.
Sliding down the moon with out any britches,
High. Ho. Halloween's here.
It's comical the first 5-10 times...the 30th or so it gets pretty obnoxious. We try other songs, playing the quiet game...nothing works. I'm just glad he's happy!

Finally this week, Mason has been all about his "stool." It is not actually a stool per se, rather a starter toilet that he never used. Now he thinks he is invincible that he has a little boost! As you can plainly see, this is ONE way to get a drink, but probably not the best. We are having to keep a little closer eye due to Mason's new super powers! He may be flying by next week, stay tuned!!!
Awwwww, a proud daddy posting a picture of his son in high heels. HA HA HA, don't worry - he'll outgrow that all too soon. =0)
I wish I'd been blogging when they were that little. I wish I had all those memories to "look" back on. Treasure them!
So, I am sitting here with (my) Josh and when he saw Mason's picture pop up on the screen he started his tracker noise!!! Mason and his trackers must have left quite an impression on him! Sorry you have been so busy at work. If you are free, we could use a new roof too. Heehee!
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