Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2nd Annual Campout!

What a crew? As we did last year, Friday we packed up all our camping stuff and went to Tyler State Park with Greg and Elizabeth Wade. Mason has been looking forward to our camping trip for several weeks. Greg's mom and dad bought Mason a book entitled, "Me and My Dad," in which they go camping and "pitch" a tent and "lite" the campfire. Mason told me repeatedly that he wanted me to pitch the tent while he started the fire...little pyro!

I think you all know where this is going?! I told him over and over that his new Lightning McQueen camping chair was not a rocking chair. Other than all the excitement and not being able to calm down at times, Mason did great. I bought him his own camo sleeping bag, in which he slept all night. He was very proud of it.

Saturday we woke up, ate breakfast and went for a walk to the play ground. Mason enjoyed that. Afterward, we ate lunch and then went for a ride on the paddle boats...Amber and Liz paddled the five of us around the whole lake. They acted like it was no big deal, but I know they were at least a little bit tired!!! As you can see, Mason didn't have to paddle one bit and he was zonked out!
We came home and crashed Saturday afternoon. I think we all took a short nap. Sunday was church and Mason got to go to Gigi and Granddad's Sunday evening. He and his Gigi made cookies for paint class.

Also, earlier in the week, Mason's Aunt Lorna sent him a package in the mail and he was so excited to have received a package. He was beside himself trying to get into it and had to have a little help. Inside he found a John Deere coin bank and two new tractors...he was so excited. He said he wanted to ride in Aunt Lorna's convertible again, so I guess you'll have to bring it back up again Aunt Lorna and take him for a ride!

We have more stories from camping and more pictures for Aunt Lorna, so I'll be including those in a later post!

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Hey Mason, I'm a pyro, too! Welcome to the club! If you come to my house, we'll make a fire in our fire-pit and roast marshmallows. They're YUMMY! =0)

Glad y'all had a fun trip!!!