Mason: Why do I have to go to school daddy?
Daddy: Because mommy and daddy have to go to work buddy.
M: Why do you have to work?
D: Because we have to make money to buy things.
M: What do you has to buy daddy?
D: Clothes, food, our car, our house, TOYS! (I thought I had him there.)
M: I already have toys. I don't want to go to school.
D: (Defeated and speechless)
I have been reading up on all my negotiation books from college...I will defeat him next time!
My heart breaks for the little guy, he just doesn't fit in at school yet. He hasn't made friends yet and longs for the comfort of his mama. He is resilient and will come around, of that I have no doubt.
We had a busy weekend. Saturday we played around the house all day. After nap, we went to mom and dad's to see Jaime, Jason and Kiko. Jason was dog sitting Kiko for the weekend and Mason didn't take to her. Although the miniature pincher was smaller than he, Mason was definately scared of her. We had a good, but brief visit.
We hurried home and made supper for the Kidd's who came over to play. We had a live band in the entry way, then a concert in front of the tv! We had to put a halt to all of that why the moms and dads tried their luck at the Wii!! Lots of laughs!

Monday we had another friend born into the world! Lauren Elizabeth Wade was born just before 8:30, 8:23 I believe, on Monday morning. She is a healthy and beautiful baby. I don't know if her mama and daddy are proud, I couldn't tell by their smiles from ear to ear! We are so happy for Greg and Liz. Now the fun starts!!!
That has been our week. Pray for our big guy that he will come around about school. He is strong willed about not wanting to go and we have to get him over the hump! And finally, we want to give a shout out to Joshua Brown who turned 1yr old this past Friday! Happy Birthday Dude!!! Keep on truck'in behind that fire truck!!!
1 comment:
Okay, I almost cried reading that entry. Poor Mason. He is a future rock star, don't the other kids know that??? He'll be okay, but that must be tough. Good luck to you buddy!
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