Finally, I suppose, I have a funny story to share about the little guy. So sharp he is, daddy pales in comparison. Most of the time I find myself struggeling to keep up with whatever it is he is telling/explaining to me. Poor child, has to repeat himself all the time to his slow father! Ha!

Anyway, on with the story. Our church is participating in a DIME's campaign, standing for "Does It Matter Eternally." The point is for every SS class to collect their change and put it towards the benevolence fund in our church. Each child received a piggy bank (pictured). Mason was very excited about his and wanted to put money in it, "For Jesus," he says. So, every day when I come home, Mason asks, "Ju got money daddy?" To which I give him all my pocket change from the day. He is having lots of fun with this idea of giving money to Jesus, and should instill a lasting lesson...BUT.
On the way home from Gigi's house Sunday, he informed his mother and I he wanted to go by Central Baptist Church, the old location, and see the tractors. They are tearing it down, for those of you who don't know. Two trackhoe's and one front loader which we have watched for several hours, cumulatively. At any rate, he continues to say, "I'm going to buy one of those tractors." To which I say, "Really, with what." He says, "With some money." I say, "Where are you going to get all that money?" You know where this is going..."From Jesus" he says emphatically. Once again, he stumps poor 'ole dad...what do you say to that.
I say, store up your riches in Heaven, Mason wants to buy a Trackhoe!
1 comment:
Awwwww, he's SUCH a cutie pie! I love the way his little mind works.
Great picture of Amber & Mason in the snow. But Josh, you don't give her a hard time about where she grew up!!! We didn't get snow very often. Remeber 1985, Amber? =0)
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