Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Daddy, let's drive our barges...

This is Mason's newest thing to do this past week or two. Ever since we went on a barge ride with Uncle Ray and Aunt Monica, we have been building barges and jet ski's with our Lego's and driving them all around on the hardwood floor. Daddy's knees are killing him. Ha!

It doesn't look a whole lot like a barge, but Mason will tell you exactly where the motor is, the grill is, the driver's seat, bathroom, etc. He has a decked out barge. The blue ladder looking piece is the fishing pole, by the way. He says he is fishing for "red guewy fish," for all you Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fans.

At any rate, this is what he is into this week. He has been sick since Saturday with a viral infection in his mouth. It was a sore on his tongue. We thought he bit it at first, but after three days of not getting any better, we went to the doctor and got the diagnosis. He is better now. Back to school tomorrow!

Speaking of tomorrow, that is Amber's birthday! She is going to be one old bird! Ha ha! She was just whining to me that in only seven years she will be 40. Yup, if we're lucky! Anyhow, were going to party tomorrow...I'm sure a slice of pizza and asleep on the couch at 7:30 will be just her speed! Love you sweetie, Happy Birthday!!!!

All you faithful blog readers pray that these "barges" start to run on the carpet because daddy doesn't know how much more of the hardwood he can take! Ha!

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Happy Birthday you old woman!!!! =0) Yes, I know - I'm older than you, you don't need to remind me!!!

Hope you're having a fantastic birthday.