Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where's Joshua Brown?

I heard this sentence a hundred times this weekend. Al, it's all your fault! Ha! Just kidding. We had a busy week followed by a weekend we were supposed to spend with the Brown family...including Joshua, but he was ill. Instead, we got to spend some time with Chris and he and I had a great time playing golf Saturday. What about the score? I said we had a great time. Ha!

Since Joshua and Al were not here to play all weekend, Mason got to go to Tyler with Amber and Gigi to the Discovery Science Place! Hours of fun there.
Amber says he enjoyed the ambulance, domino table, and kitchen the best. I'm glad he had such a good time. We are planning to go back soon!

Sunday, we had a fun day also. We went to church, then lunch, and THEN...walked around Lowe's! What a treat for Mason and daddy! Mama doesn't care for it much. I had to get some things for work, and Mason loves getting on all the lawn mowers multiple times!!!

We came home and Amber napped while Mason and I went to the football practice field to run off some excess energy. I forgot the camera this time, sorry. He had a big time with the blocking dummies. We would stack them up and make a fort, then he would climb on it a while, then knock it down. We used up that energy I was talking about. It was an early night for the big guy, then back to the grind this week.

You know, it will never be like this again...or at least that is what I think when I look at these pictures. I want to soak it all in and not forget any of it! I guess that's why we have pictures, huh? I catch myself thinking of the chorus to a song by 33 Miles. I think the group intended the song about your relationship with Jesus Christ, but you also only get one chance to be a good dad or mom, husband or wife, son or daughter. It is a really powerful song.

You only get just one time around

You only get one shot at this

One chance, to find out

The one thing that you don't wanna miss

One day when it's all said and done

I hope you see that it was enough, this

One ride, one try, one life...

To love............


E @ Scottsville said...

Awwww, well put, Josh. Well put!!!

That last picture is perfect for that song. =0)

Alison said...

After spending a few days with your sweet boy at the beach, I think you guys are doing a great job at your "one shot."

So so so sorry about this weekend! Trust me, I would MUCH rather have been hanging out with you guys than wiping a snotty nose and climbing through windows. But, mostly I'm sorry for Mason. I've stop telling Josh his friends are coming over until I see them pull up in front of our house. I did that once and it was a brutel rest of the day. Oops.

Give Baby Prewitt a pat for me.