Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lots of happenins...

Well, here is the picture of "candy corn" Mason I promised. Better late than never!This candy corn costume was somewhat of a bust since he only wore it here at home for five minutes and then at school for five minutes. I think we could have just made him a ghost out of a pillow case...but Amber didn't like that idea! Haha!

Saturday, a week ago, Erin Erin (as Mason calls her), Ava, and Ayden came over for the day. I know, Erin will never win a hair dressing contest! Poor Ava is going to whoop her mama when she gets old enough to say, "Mom, what were you thinking with my hair!" Haha! Anyway, they had a fun time playing together.

Sunday, we went for a barge ride on lake Jacksonville with Uncle Ray and Aunt Monica. They purchased a new barge a few months ago and Mason had not been able to go for a ride on previous outings, so there you go.

He is quite the "shrimp boat captain" I might add. He takes his work very seriously! He did have a great time. He went from excited to hungry to lethargic to hyper to tired in our three hour tour. He was great. He enjoyed his Gigi being there and giving him cookies also!

I don't have much to report on this past weekend. Daddy was sick all weekend and mama was nauseous most of the weekend. Poor Mason just played and played as his pathetic parents looked on. Ha! He did get to go to Gigi and Granddad's and roast weenies and marshmallows on the campfire. We don't have any pictures of that now, I guess mama forgot the camera??? I know mom and dad took pictures, I'll have to steal their camera to get a few shots! Aunt Jaime was home also and Mason enjoyed seeing her.

Finally, a note on Mason's mental development. He has been asking repeatedly about the colorful Wii controllers under the television to which we say, "DON'T TOUCH!!!" Finally a week ago when Amber was gone somewhere, daddy pulled them out and let the boy swing it around. He is hooked. He wants to play every night. We are limiting him to 2-3 hours a day...he has to have time to read his calculus books also. Ha! All jokes aside, he is better than you would think, he knows how to serve in tennis and loves swinging his arm bowling, but hasn't mastered the release. Anyway, we are going to have to squash this video game fetish he has and get him back in the sand box!

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Erin - I think Ava's hair looks just fine! Josh is only saying that cuz he doesn't have a daughter with hair to try to keep up with! It's not ALWAYS gonna look good, Josh. I hope your next one's a girl!!! =0)

Way to Wii, Mason!