Thursday, June 26, 2008

Slip...Sit and Slide!!!

We haven't had alot going on here at Mason's house. Mason has been enjoying the leisurely days of summer...sleeping late...sipping on orange juice and watching with mama...eating popsicles...and all the other glorious things summer has to offer!

He has gotten to spend a lot of time with his Gigi and Granddad also. He likes it there since he gets whatever he wants! He loves to go outside and make mud pies. Yuck!

Also, what kind of hillbilly East Texan would my son be if he didn't take his first bath in a bean wash'in pot?!? At least he used soap!

Also this week, mama purchased Mason a Slip-n-Slide. They are much more cush than what I remember. I remember a long yellow piece of plastic held in the ground by some metal "tent" stakes and a small sprinkler on the side. Today's version comes with a fully inflated slide with guard rails on each side and a landing pool at the end. No more metal "tent" stakes either, smooth plastic ones that don't work worth a crud.

Anyway, Mason loved it. He loved the pool at the end the most, but enjoyed the whole slide at times. We could not get him to run and slide. He would run and jump on his knees or bottom...sometimes just run right through it until he wiped out. He was a hoot to watch.

These are the best two pictures I have because he wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get a good one. I'm glad he had fun with the thing! He needs some older kids to come over and show him how to use it! Daddy is a little big to slide down it.

Finally, Gramps' birthday is Monday, so we wanted to say Happy Early Birthday Gramps!!!!

Hope you have a great weekend and birthday Monday!!! We love you.

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Looks like you're having a FUN summer, Mason! Your mommy sure didn't look wet enough though. Hurry up and get down here so I can teach you how to get her really wet! Schlitterbahn awaits us!