Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lightning, Sally, and Flo

We have had another busy week here at Mason's house. With the end of school drawing near, seems like we stay up later each night and wake up later each morning with even more things to do! We have to eat lots of M&M's to keep us going. Granddad helps out with that!

We had a good weekend. Saturday morning, Mason and I ran errands around town; the bank, getting gas, seeing Grandma. At lunch time, we went to Gigi and Granddad's for lunch with Aunt Lorna and Uncle Richard. They were here just for a few hours. We forgot the camera...sorry Aunt Lorna. :-( After all that excitement, we came home and Mason helped daddy put all his tools in his new trailer. For all of you who have not seen my 1979 is about to retire. Mason was a big help in making daddy remember where everything went. I would put it up and he would pull it out again. We had fun.

Sunday he spent the day with Gigi and Granddad while Amber and I went to Dallas to see David Beckham and the L.A. Galaxy mop the floor with F.C. Dallas. It was a fun game to watch. Amber had fun also...especially since we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. :-)

In case you live on another planet and don't know who these cars are, this is Lightning McQueen, Sally, and Flo. Our lives (Mason's at least) revolve around these three cars. He eats, breaths, and sleeps the Cars movie. We had a bad day Monday at daycare because he hit one of the little girls hands because she was holding Flo and he wanted her. Trust me, we had a long talk. He plays with these cars first thing in the morning, all day at daycare, and all evening while at home. He wants to hold them while we watch the movie! He may need therapy!!! Amber hopes he doesn't have a change of heart because it would be fairly easy to have a Cars birthday party! I know one little man who would love that!

This picture is from last week at Gigi and Granddad's. Monday and Tuesday evenings, we sodded Burhmuda grass everywhere, so no more sand between our toes!!! To quote Tow Mater, they were "Happier than a tornader in a trailer park!" It was pretty. Mason will love the soft grass next time we are over. Sorry for all the "Cars" quotes...we pretty much have it memorized! Sooooo...."GOODBYEEE!!! I'm good."

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

"MATER" is my personal favorite, Mason!!! Can't wait til y'all come down.

♥ Erica