First things first, Mason went bear hunting....just kidding, we went to Austin to see Steven, Trisha, Matthew, and Will Jones. We had a great time. I don't have any pictures with the four of our kiddos together. :-( The weather didn't cooperate while we were there, but the kids played great together indoors and we went to a cool children's museum where they had a blast! It was good to visit our friends and their family. We actually stayed at Uncle Tim and Aunt Pam's cool place (that is where the bear was)! Thanks for a fun weekend Joneses!!!

The next week Mason got to go to Chuck's for pizza and games with Maddie, Molly, and Mrs. Jennifer. I don't think he had fun. Ha! There are many pictures from that day, but this one sums it up!

We really were going to send Christmas cards, even had attempts at a Christmas photo, but had an unwilling participant. We are since planning a happy New Year's card, possibly happy Valentine's, or even a happy Memorial Day card...all depends upon the speed in which that project gets finished!!! Look for it in the mail!!!

Santa did come to our house, and we had a great Christmas this year. I think this is the first year Mason "really" got it. He was all about leaving the cookies in just the right spot and making sure we turned the fire "off" so that Santa didn't get burned. This is a picture of his rocket ship he asked for from Santa. He loves it. He also loves his box of Lego's he received. He builds things all day long.

We had a great day with both of our families together at our house. Entirely too many gifts and too much food. All in all, a success for our first Christmas to host. We just need to dispose of 75-80% of Mason's toys when he isn't looking. Ha! Fat chance of that!

Our beautiful little girl is growing up so fast. She is pulling up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth...then springing forward in the direction she wants to go. Crawling isn't far off...we aren't looking forward to that! She is eating well and sleeping fairly well. We have had a couple of entire nights lately. She is all smiles though, and we think those blue eyes are here to stay! I sure hope so. She is so much fun, and in a totally different way than Mason was. I love her the same as Mason, but it is different...I guess because she is a girl. What a blessing she has been to us. I will probably sound different when she wants me to give her money and drop her off around the corner from the mall so I don't embarrass her. We'll see!!!

Well, these two are our life. This is what we do! You know, I had a pretty good streak going until this year. I had a new year's kiss probably every year since I was 15 yrs. old...that is like an 18 year streak. Pretty good for a country boy like me. Well, this year I was watching a bowl game while laying on the floor in front of the fireplace when last I looked at the clock it was 9:00p.m. I awoke at 1:30 a.m. to my wife already in bed, the TV off, and me no kiss at new years! I will be over 50 years old before I can get back to a 18 year streak...and that's if I don't fall asleep again!!! Unbelievable!
2009 was a year of great joy, many blessings, and underestimation, on our part. You wonder how God can make each year better and better, and yet he does. Is it really better, or do we just appreciate more? I think some of both. I will continue to serve him in 2010, not so that he makes things better for me, but so that I can make things better for others in His name.
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