First things first, the big dog started Pre-K last week! He really loves it. He was praised today, seeing how some other kids locked the teacher out of the classroom and Mason was trying to let her back in. At least I know now that I don't have the WORST kid in the classroom! Ha!!! The reason I say this: Monday we hear from the teacher and she says she had passed out a color sheet of a butterfly to all the kids and told them to color pretty. Mason takes a brown crayon and scribbles over the whole sheet. The teacher comes by and asks Mason, "Mason, is this really the best you can do?" Mason replies, "Mrs. Carmen, this really is the best I can do for a butterfly flying through a mud storm and getting mud splashed all over it." Trying to contain her laughter, she told him good job and to play quietly. Boy, are we in trouble. He may be a politician!

Secondly, our daughter seems to have found her personality! Whooohoo! After eight weeks of straight faced seriousness, we are smiling, laughing, and cooing quite a bit. Even for daddy occasionally! She loves her bath time and gets very excited while bathing. She is sleeping a lot better now as well, only wakes up once per night. I think if we could get the moons aligned just right, she would sleep all night...it will happen eventually.
I was sick all last week, so Amber took Mason to the splash park in Tyler one evening to get him out of the house a while, and Granddad wanted to go along! He is just a kid at heart, he couldn't stay out of the water any longer than Mason could!!! They had a blast and came home exhausted!

Anslee went on her first scooter ride already. I know, you think she is looking at her mama asking, "When will daddy get me off this thing?" But really she was saying, "Why are we going so stinking slow, I wanna go fast like bubba!"