We got this shot after a delicious meal at Mercado's in Tyler. Mason loves his "chips and hot sauce!" Daddy is on the building committee at church as well as other duties, along with a super busy work schedule...I haven't been around as much as I would like. Amber fills me in on things and I'm like, "Now who did that? What exactly did he do? Where were y'all?" She has been super at taking up the slack with all the meetings and stuff, but it is getting harder the more pregnant she gets! I think we are almost back to an abnormal life again here in a few days! Ha!

Here is our big guy getting his hair buzzed off. It is so cute watching him get his hair cut, and he is so well behaved there...all the old men brag on him. The only thing that stinks is it costs me $24 to get my hair cut now vs. $12 before! Ha! He will only go to "Mrs. Charlie" to get his hair cut. I hope nothing ever happens to her, because we would have a long haired hippie boy on our hands!

Finally, we took a picture just before church Sunday. He is a pretty handsome guy! He has been a bit stubborn lately, but hopefully it will pass soon. I is like he is trying us to see exactly how far and with what he can actually get away with. His favorite thing to do is when I tell him to eat his chicken at dinner...he'll say "Mama...Mama. Do I have to eat my chicken?" Or whatever item of food or action it is. We have our hands full. I hope our next child might mellow him out a bit.
Congratulations Steven and Trisha! William Henry is a handsome fella! We look forward to meeting him!
1 comment:
You just THINK you've got your hands full. Ha! I laugh! =0)
Just think, after this next one... you'll only have two more to go before you catch up with me, Amber. I say quit while you're ahead! I'm getting WAY too many gray hairs at this game of life!
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