Saturday, we went to the hardware store and loaded up a goody bag full of lumber and stuff to build a clubhouse. This was understood by Mason that it is an early birthday prize, and boy was he excited. He spent the morning outside helping me...beating my level against the trailer, tumping out the box of screws in the dirt, hitting the level with the speed square. He is my favorite helper and I wouldn't trade him for the whole world!!!
When lunch and nap time rolled around, he reluctantly went inside and I struggled to finish before he woke up. All I lacked were some handles when he and him mama came out. I wish I could have paused the smile on his face when he first saw it. We have it on video, so I guess I can!!!

You can see the first place he went...underneath it! He loves to keep his tractors and dump trucks under there. I suppose it is as good a play place as any. He took his first nose dive off the stairs a few hours into the afternoon. While whiping the sand off his forehead he said, "It just hurt a wittle bit mama." He also complemented my work by saying, "Dis is a pwetty good swing daddy." That is good enough for me!!! What a joy he is...and I can't believe he is almost three.

Finally, Sunday we went to worship and celebrate with Paul, Trina, Parker, Greg, Liz, and Lauren at First United Methodist Church. Parker and Lauren were baptised. We had a nice lunch and then everyone came home for a nap!

1 comment:
Wow, Mason! I'm lovin' your clubhouse. It looks amazing and your daddy did a fantastic job.
Aren't daddys great? Have fun in your new clubhouse! =0)
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