This was definatly not a slow week at Mason's house. Friday was the 4th and Mason made the most of it! Our camera was on the blink that day, so no pictures of him flailing around in the lake. He has figured out how to move his arms and legs and get around in his life jacket. He had a ton of fun this year. He stayed late to watch the fireworks, but was disappointed because he didn't like the music while the fireworks were going off. Quirky kid, huh? He kept saying, "Daddy, when's the music gonna stop. Can you make it stop?" Of course I couldn't, it was just patriotic music playing on the public P.A. system. He did like the "bang" the fireworks made. He would echo them with a "bang....bang" when he wasn't complaining about the music.
Saturday, we spent the day at the lake again. The men all pitched in and cooked a feast of meat and corn for the Womack's and Remy's wedding anniversaries. I believe they are both celebrating 40 years this year. All the women decorated the lake house and both couples were surprised. It was fun, but a fairly long day.

Sunday, we went to church, skipped nap, and went to Gigi and Granddad's house to celebrate birthday a day early!!! Boy was he excited about birthday this year. Since Jaime had to go back to Dallas Sunday afternoon, Mason got to stretch his birthday out over two days...I try that every year and it doesn't work.
Mom and dad got Mason a motorized John Deere Gator for his birthday. Dad and I were totally against it. I never had a motorized car and he needs to run and play...but here you go. Gigi brought one home. He loves it. It was worth getting him one, just to see the smile.

He took right to it. He drives like his mama though, wide open and not watching were he is going! Haha! His favorite thing to do is put it in reverse and back up. He will have lots of years of fun on this thing...if Granddad can keep the battery charged up!
Monday was Mason's actual birthday!!! We loaded everything up and went to the Splashpark in Tyler. It is just a small area in one of Tyler's parks that has fountains coming out of the concrete and some neat water features. Mason loved it. He had eight of his friends there and he had a blast!

We had "Cars" cake, ice cream, and juice boxes until we couldn't walk...then we played more. One of the other kids told his mom and dad, "This is the best birthday party ever." That made Amber feel really good after all her planning and efforts. Mason got many gifts and he loved them all. His favorite upon first opening them all was a chain saw. No tree at the park was safe! Thank you to everyone who came, we hope you had as good a time as we did!!!

It seems like a long time ago we were looking at our son through a glass box with a feeding tube in his nose, praying his premature stomach would digest the milk he was given. Three years ago tomorrow he was rushed to Dallas in an ambulance to get better care than was available in Tyler (from Alison...of course ;-)), for nearly a month. As I watch him learn, as I watch him play, as I watch him sleep...I am thankful. Three glorious years we have been blessed with Mason. Do I remember what it was like before him...no. Does it seem like it has been three years...no. Could I imagine life without him...no. We give God all the praise and honor for the time he has given us with Mason...he is truely a gift from God.