This is my first post since Amber and Mason have been off for summer time. I can hardly live around these two because they are so giddy about staying home and doing all the fun stuff that being home all day entails. I know...once again it has been over two weeks since the last post. I have no excuse.
On the 28th of May, my sweet aunt Sharla passed away. She was my mom's youngest sister. She lived here in Jacksonville at Travis Towers (limited assisted living) for the past several years. Mason loved seeing her and always had questions about her. He pronounce her name "Char-wa," that always made me smile. Mason had questions because my aunt had many quirks about her due to mental illness and health issues. Mason always notices if something is not quite normal about someone. Aunt Char-wa had many problems, but also had the biggest heart. She lived on a minimal budget, with my mom and dad filling in the gaps most every month. Never once did she miss a birthday though. It was always a card, sometimes a pair of socks from the dollar store, or even some sort of trinket she thought Amber would like. I probably didn't spend near the time I should have with her. I think of her every time I enter Whataburger because she practically lived there (it's right next to her apartment)! I miss her smile and hearing her call me "Joshie bubba." She was a wonderful person and loved our Lord and I thank God for that and the time we got to spend with her.

Look at this guy! He is happier than a tornader in a trailer park! On the first day of summer, Amber took Mason to the playground and heard that in Rusk, TX there was a Tow Mater parked on the side of the road for all to see. Well, that's almost better than the World's Largest Ball-o-twine...they had to go. Mason was so very excited. She said she could not get him to quit smiling so big! I'm glad he had such an exciting experience with one of the characters from the movie he LOVES!!!

Also that week, Mason got to go to the zoo. He always loves that. I think he feels at home with all the other animals! Haha! I know his mama does! I'm going to get in trouble for that one!! Also during that week, we cleaned a bunch of tree limbs from our back yard to make a play area for Mason. He was quite the helper. So the following weekend, last weekend, we built a fence to hide the ugly barn that is behind our house!

Mason wants to help so much. He will do anything: hold the hammer, hold a nail, pull the rake, pick up rocks. He likes to talk while he works also. I try to stop and listen to him always, but it starts getting ridiculous! So mama has to listen while daddy keeps working! He is such a good boy though, and great helper. I will try to get a picture of our finished product on here next week. He loves playing back there and it is shady all day.
We are off to Brooklyn, MI Saturday to see the NASCAR race. Mom and dad got Amber and I tickets and airfare for my birthday. I think they just wanted a long weekend with Mason alone...no Josh and Amber to boss the grandparents around! Well, I guess they got it! Happy Father's Day to all you guys out there with litlens. What a privilege and honor it is. Thank you God for the gift of being a father.
Oh wow, Mason! I'm soooo glad you got to meet Tow Mater! He looks awesome! Was he glad to meet you, too? =0)
Enjoyed the pics, guys! Glad you share them with us.
That's really cool that you got to meet Mater, Mason. I hope he was a fun tow truck.
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