Seriously though, he looks like the type of dude that could do all those things...right!!!!!

We have had a really busy couple of weeks. Nana has been here since Ayden (Gracie) was born. Not here, but here in East Texas. Bob finished his contract with CPS last week and has been here also. Amber and Mason have made trips to the zoo and to see them many times...did I say "trips to the zoo to see them?" I just wanted to be clear on that. Here he was allowed behind the bars for an up close picture! Ha!
Aunt Jaime has been home in the past couple of weeks also. She is doing well and enjoyed playing outside and pushing Mason on the swing. He always wants to go "higher...HIGHER!" He must get that from his mother.

Mason has been learning lots these days. We are deep into the "why" era. Daddy and mama try to keep up, but most of the time end up with, "just because." He is definately getting bigger. He is up to a size 8 shoe now! I used to stand him on the kitchen counter and pretty much look him in the eye...now he is looking down on me quite a bit. He is sleeping in a "big boy bed" now (twin size) complete with John Deere sheets and all. He has done really well with staying in the bed.

This weekend he got to use the drill for the first time...boy did he love that. We about wore out a couple of screws and a battery on the 'ole Dewalt running them in and out of a piece of plywood. He was in hog heaven! He loves anything that has to do with tools or work. He is so funny, he has seen me put on my work gloves and taboggin to work in the winter months, so he associates those things with work. He puts on his mittens and taboggin in the living room to move his blocks around because he says, "I'm working."
And finally, this weekend on Saturday evening, what is left of the gang here in J'Ville came over for sandwhiches and to let the kiddos see each other. The women visited while the men played Spades. If there are ever four of us that want to play, I personally recommend Kannon as a partner for YOU and I will take whomever is left! Ha! He and I got our bottems whooped by Greg and Paul. Anyway, here is a picture of Mason, Lauren, and Parker. Nobody told Lauren that it was dinosaur t-shirt day...she out cuted them with her bow anyways!!!

Welcome back!! We've missed you! Mason, did you pay your taxes and vote while you've been growing up this past month?!?!
We sure enjoyed reading your blog today Mason. Mr. Jason and I were both grinning.
Mason, tell your daddy he's a hoot! =0)
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