Here is the big dog eating his cookie cake...nap time was Mission Impossible! Also here is a picture of the dangerous duo. They always look like they are up to something...which they ususally are!
I believe Mason had the most fun this weekend riding Ava's "for we-wer." He wouldn't get off the thing. If you can tell, his feet don't even fit on the steps on the side. Amber said we should get him one...I'm an old fuddy duddy and think toys should be powered by the child on them, not a battery. We shall see who wins out on that deal.
And finally, the story of the week. Mason was staying with mom and dad on Friday night so Amber and I could go out. Mom and Amber were at the kitchen table talking while Mason was running from the kitchen to the living room playing with dad. He told mom that he wanted something and she told him no. To this, he ran into the living room and threw himself on the floor and began to throw a fit. Dad raised his voice and said, "Joshua Mason, not in my house. We do not throw fits like that, it is not nice." Mason replied, "Well, I will go home and my mama will let me throw a fit." I wasn't there to hear it, but I'm sure his mama had to try to keep from laughing. Kids do tell the truth, whether we like it or not!
1 comment:
Awwwww, its so good to get to see Erin finally! Erin looks exactly the same, too. Ava's adorable!!!
Thanks for letting me 'keep up' via your blog. I love it!
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