Nothing too exciting to report this week. Aunt Jaime came home this weekend and played with our little guy. I think he wears her out! Just about the time she thinks she has snookered him, he is back for more! Mom and dad enjoyed playing with him this weekend also.
Mason has been in a surprisingly good humor since his sickness. He actually wants to play with daddy. DID YOU HEAR THAT?! He was hiding under his coloring table Sunday and asked me if I would get under there with him. So I did. Then we proceded to pull all the chairs in around us. Mama tried to come over and participate in our fun...then...Mason said, "No mama, this is for boys only, you're a guryle!" We got a good laugh from that one!

Well, that is about it for this past week. One more little tid bit. At bedtime, Amber always takes Mason up to bed, while I clean up the living room, etc. We have a little goodnight ritual, he and I, hugs, kisses, and then a little good night banter. I tell him good night, to which he replies. I tell him sleep tight, to which he says, "I will." I tell him sweet dreams, to which he says "You too daddy." And Sunday night he added, "Don't forget the bugs!" I'm sure somebody told him "not to let the bed bugs bite" and he got it a little misconstrued. He is such a thoughtful and loving child, what a blessing he is.
1 comment:
Can't wait to see you when you come home. I'm looking forward to it!
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