We had a nice day at my folks. Amber's dad was able to come up from San Antonio and we enjoyed his visit. Jaim-o got to come home also. Although I did not get to spend much time with her, Mason always enjoys his time with his aunt Jai

Mason is getting smarter by the day. I have realized that kids discover the same things more than once and in more than one way. Take Mason's toy plastic car that squirts water, for example.
First he realized it was a toy and played with it in the tub. Next, he realized it was a car and made motor sounds and drove it around the tub. YESTERDAY...he realized if he filled it up with water he could squirt mom and dad AND the whole bathroom! We could hardly tell him to stop for laughing so hard. :-)
We were both soaked.

He is also speaking very well. Complete sentences and complete thoughts...except when the imagination kicks in and he starts making up words. Tonight I was a "shaker" and he was a "snipper." Whatever that means. He plays very well by himself. I think his Magnadoodle was our best investment thus far.
Chris, you will like this, he talks constantly about drums and playing in the band. I think it will be fine if he is in the band, as long as he falls somewhere between "Peetie" from American Pie and Tommy Lee. Either extreme may push me off my rocker! He is excited about Christmas and wants a set of drums. I am told he is getting some from his Nana and Gramps...I hope they come with a large bottle of asprin!
Well, I will leave you all with a picture of our pudding monster. How thankful we are for him. How thankful we are for the priviledge of parenthood. So many things we are thankful for this Thanksgiving and high upon our list are you, our friends and our family.

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