Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What would you have?

What would you have tomorrow if you only had the things you thanked God for today?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We are back online...

Well, we certainly are back online.  After over a year without any internet availability, we are connected! Only 1year and 51 days since the last post.  I'm sure there is at least ONE person that is worse than me! 
Honestly, this is what has prompted me to blog again.  My son is missing probably 6 teeth at once.  He is such an over achiever when it comes to pulling teeth. wife informs me tonight as we are looking for small bills to fulfill our obligations as loving parents of my son's ritual of saying goodbye to his teeth.

"What I say?"

"Yep, a ritual."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, he says goodbye to each tooth before he puts it in the Tooth Fairy's pillow.  He talks to it, tells it goodbye, then holds it in his mouth and let's it tell all the other teeth, it's buddies, goodbye."

If that doesn't make you smile, nothing will.  He is full of creativity and imagination.

This one is just a mess.  She slowed down for 2 seconds for this picture.  She is 3 going on 13.  Mrs. Priss if you ask me...always carrying a purse and wearing her mama's heels.  She runs to the door every day when I get home and gives me a huge hug and kiss and announces to everyone else that "her sweet daddy is home."  That just about makes the world perfect.

I make no wild allusions to you that I'll post with any regularity...but I will continue to post.  I won't wait almost two years again!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I promised more, and have now delivered!!!

After the fabulous beach, we headed northwest to the cool air of Colorado. It is a long way from Corpus to Colorado...for the record.
We swung by the Carlsbad Cavern's in New Mexico on the second day of our pilgrimage. Mason was amazed at the cave. He has always had a thing for caves and wanted to see we showed him one. Amazing place to see. My first time, and I was impressed.

This was not always the sight in the back seat, but she did really great for traveling over 3200 miles. She is just about always a happy girl!

After Carlsbad, we headed north to Glorieta, NM, home of the Glorieta Baptist Conference Center owned by Lifeway. The words "peaceful, serene, and picturesque" do not do this place justice. I visited here twice during high school for Centrifuge camp.
They have the capacity to entertain around 5,000 youth at one time. I don't know how many acres it is, but it is in the hundreds. It is only 20 minutes east of Santa Fe, NM. I recommend anyone in the vicinity to stay a night. We did...two in fact. No offense to Nana and Gramps, but those were probably my favorite two days of vacation.
Did I mention we were the ONLY guests there. We were visiting between camps (I checked on that, of course) and the only other people there were maintenance and host couples that stay in each lodging facility. Amber was a little sceptical about why I wanted to visit there on the way to Colorado, but after staying, she loved it as much as I did. Mason and I played putt-putt, both kids played and ran in the grassy fields, on the play ground, and saw the beautiful flowers in the prayer garden (one picture up). You can feel God there, in the scripture hanging from every lamp post, in the smiles and greetings of every host person, and in the beauty, sights, and smells of nature all around you. Enough said, go there if you can!

We finally made it to Colorado! We had a good time visiting Nana and Gramps. We did all the usual stuff we do at their house with the exception of not going to the chuck wagon dinner/show we usually see. One additional thing we did...and the whole reason we went on these particular dates was...
The hot air balloon festival in Pagosa Springs! Mason was in awe of the huge balloons filled with hot air. We arrived in time to see a couple get aired up and take off. I had never seen a hot air balloon in person before, they are much larger than I though they were.

I love this picture. Mason ponders everything. He soaks it all in, and then tells you how he would do it. He is a lot like his mama in that he talks through his thought process out loud, which I get a kick out of and pick on her! There is nothing I like more than when he wants to talk to me and have a "real" conversation.

We finished our time in Colorado and headed home, only stopping to sleep a few hours. The kids did super and were both glad to be home to all their toys and their own beds! Mama and daddy were too! Maybe next week I can catch us up to date and get a couple of Halloween pictures in here!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three months later...

Wow, that's one quarter of the year! A lot has happened since we last spoke.
Mr. Strikes Alot went bowling for the first time. He though it was really cool! He actually beat his mama, but we don't have to tell everyone that. Mason has also figured out the Wii. He loves to bowl, golf, and play tennis. He is a hoot to watch!
Mrs. Prissy Pants decided to get a lot of teeth and personality. She is a ham, and loves attention. So much like Jaime Prewitt, it's scary! Ha!

Mr. Fidgety Fingers decided to participate in the Bible School program for the first time. We were so proud our child stood and sang with no outbursts or wondering around. Everyone else was disappointed, because they always expect a laugh from whatever it is Mason does when he is on stage!

Princess Fine Hair has finally got long enough lochs of hair to wear pig tails, bows, and clips without them falling out all the time. She helps with the "falling out" part quite a bit!
Master Mathematician went back to school in late August. Just in time to go on vacation!
Daddy's Sugar Booger loved the ocean. She was very independent and wanted to run out into it all by herself.
Capt. Crow's Nest enjoyed the heck out of seeing the Battleship Texas. He climbed all over that thing and had a gillion questions. He has drawn it and built it out of Lego's at least a hundred times since we have been home!
These clowns had a good time at the beach and on vacation. I'm about half way through the pictures. I think I will sleep for tonight and show you some more in a week. If you get time, read Job 38-41, it doesn't take long. It sucks you in and you will want to read it over and over. What a great, magnificent, detailed, caring, loving, thoughtful God we serve. I will never question Him, yet say, "Here is my life, use it to Your glory and honor."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Mason is 5. I guess I'll just have to get used to saying it...just doesn't sound right. Guess it should be, he is practically grown with the exception of not being able to touch the pedals when he drives the car!For his birthday, Gigi and Granddad took him, along with Aunt Jaime, to the LEGO store in Dallas. Four boxes of Lego's, a trip to the Dallas World Aquarium, and a custom made cupcake later, they rolled back into J'ville. I would say the boy is spoiled, but that doesn't touch the tip of the iceberg!!!Mason had decided he wanted to have his birthday at the Villages Water Park. He got his wish the following Sunday afternoon. We had three of his best buddies and their families there, and he had a blast. Mason is all about being outside and exploring. His face gets beet red in the heat, but it doesn't seem to bother him. He has become more "manly" lately, wanting to throw the ball and frisbee, also wanting to go with daddy places...which makes me happy! He is definitely growing up right before our eyes.
Our girls had a good time at the water park as well. Anslee wasn't real sure at first, but then loved it. She wanted to walk up and down the stairs of the play scape over and over!
She had a big time with daddy in the wave pool as well! She is getting big...I mean really tall! She is also pigeon toed, but the doctor says she should grow out of it. She is constantly into everything and has an incredibly annoying squealing sound she makes when she doesn't get what she wants. Her mama will back me up on that. Sounds somewhat like a terradactyl about to attack! Good thing is, she will eat anything. She loves to play chase/hide and seek around the couch and/or island. She is trying to run and it's the funniest thing you've ever seen! Usually ends in a face plant, but she gets up, shakes it off, and tries to run again.

I will leave you with this picture of Mason and Aunt Jaime. It just shows you how grown up our little guy is. His face is changing, the shape of his head, his little muscles are starting to show, it's sad and exciting all at once. Mason and I went to the convenience store last night to get Amber a Dr. Pepper and I grabbed us an ice cream sandwich to share on the way home. He loved it, but I told him that it would be "our" secret, not to tell mama. This has never worked before, the first thing he does is run inside and say, "Mama, we had ice cream!" But last night, not a peep. As I said, sadness and happiness at the same time.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Water Anyone???

Well since we last spoke, I think we have spent 9 out of 10 days in the water!

It all started at the Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas. Anslee stayed with Gigi and Granddad while Mason got the whole weekend alone with mama and daddy. Boy did he wear us out!!!
If you can't see the excitement and happiness in this face, you better make an appointment with the eye doctor! He asked us a million times if he asked us once, "Mama, you want to sleep in my cave with me?" I think I took a nap with him and Amber laid by him until he went to sleep one night. He had a blast! He thought it was sooo cool that he got to sleep on the top bunk and that he had his own tv in his cave. We hooked up his portable dvd player to it so he could watch movies at nap time and he was in heaven!

There are really just too many pictures to show you, but again, his smile sums it up. His favorite thing to do, along with all the big people tube rides, was to hop across these floating lily pads in one of the pools. He tried and tried and couldn't make it. He never gave up, or even considered giving up. We had to tell him, "Come on Mason, we'll try again later." I mean, after a dozen times or so. On the last morning, we were the first one's in the door and let him go straight there. After only one failed attempt, he finally made it across!!! Miraculously, it was easy then and he had to do it another half-dozen times to rationalize in his mind that he had conquered the lily pads, and he did. He has such a fun and determined personality!
Next, we had Anslee Kate's birthday at the lake. You can look at her face and know that she knew it was all about her. She is such a priss! Her smiles and laughs make me melt though. It's hard to believe she is one already. She is walking, talking some, and has enough personality for all of us! Her favorite thing to say is, "da da." I think it is a definite sign that I am the best! Haha! She loves to see me though, and loves to play hide and seek with me around the couch. She will peek around the edge of the sofa to see if I am behind it and I will crawl around and scare her from behind while she is looking. I wish I had a video of how hard she laughs when I do it! Like I said, lots of personality!!!

Amber made her this beautiful cake and she loved it!!!

I think someone must have tried to take her cake away, and she gave them the serious look!

Wednesday, Amber, Mason, and Anslee went to Burleson, to stay a few days with our friends the Carlile's who were house sitting for their parents. Their parents happen to have a pool...where the kids spent most of their time! Mason and Maddie had a really fun time together as usual. I think Jennifer and Amber thought it would be a little less difficult than it was corralling four kiddos, but they did great as they always do. Trey and I drove up Friday evening to find six tired souls! Fun was had by all and we appreciate them inviting us for the fun long weekend away.
And finally, after all that water, these two were begging to play in the tub Saturday night when we got home! What a pair! They bring such joy into our lives each day. I realize they are a gift from God, not to be possessed as mine, but to be raised by me for Him. My love for them only make me realize how much more He loves me.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Lot's has happened!!!

Lots of stuff since last we talked. The weekend after my last post, we got to go to Dallas and visit Joshua Brown!!! Mason was so excited and they both played really well together. I think they were both so excited that neither of them slept much, but much fun was had. We played at the park, ate some yummy Mexican food, and Al cooked us a scrumptious breakfast Sunday morning before we had to leave! We are looking forward to going to the beach in September!!!

Anslee Kate has been into everything...literally. She is up and moving, but still prefers crawling for long distances and speed. She is good for a 5'-6' journey on foot, then eats it, or goes to the knees. She is so fun and happy to be around. She had her first lawn mower ride in this picture!

A week ago, Mason found a new friend on the back porch...he was enamored by it. He even went so far as to name him...Greenie! Funny how the things we take for granted are so new and vibrant to our children. Makes me pay more attention for things like silly green lizards!

Yes, simple a bucket of water!

Yesterday we went to the lake with Uncle Ray and Aunt Monica. Mason got to tube again like last year. Aunt Jaime is bringing her camera with all the pictures today so we can download. I will post them later this week. Today Mason and I were upstairs building train track, well Mason was building...I had my finger's crossed this was going to work. Totally his idea, totally done by him, dad didn't help at all. I thought engineering a four story round house was due a picture! Have a great Memorial Day and i'll post again soon!