Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not much has happened this week at Mason's house. We have pretty much been recuperating from last week with the birthday and all! This is pretty much what we have felt like in the aftermath! Haha!

I figure I will show a few more pictures of his birthday party since we have a million of them! This was his Lightning McQueen cake. He wanted the car off that cake so bad...

and he got it. Note to icing is messy and hard to get off of your child. I repeat, messy and hard to get off your child.

This may be one of my all time favorites. It needs no explaination.

We are headed for Colorado to see Nana and Gramps on Monday morning. This will probably be the last post for two weeks or so. I'm sorry I don't have alot to report this week. I'm sure we will be full of stories and pictures when we return to Texas a week from Tuesday!

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

This last photo is a fabulous one! BUT where's the next blog? I check back every day --- I'm waiting patiently!!!

{{or not so patiently, huh?}}