Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chowklet Eggs

Well, we had lots going on Easter weekend. Thursday morning we packed up and left town headed for San Antonio to see Gramps!

Mason was very excited. We arrived in enough time for Mason to play outside a bit and eat dinner. Then it was off to bed because we had a big day Friday.

Friday we went to the San Antonio Zoo. Mason had a big time...he always does at the zoo...I think he feels at home there! Ha! Check out this bear sitting in the background of his picture, it almost looks fake!

After the zoo, my two bit father-in-law and evil wife made Mason and I go eat Chinese food. Yuckie!!! They seemed to enjoy it. Then it was home for a nap. Friday evening, we met one of Amber's friends since childhood, Erica, and her family, at Clear Springs. As a foot note, this was the original Clear Springs resaurant in Clear Springs, TX.

After dinner with Erica's husband Jason, and three of her kids, Robert, Cameron, and Riley we went back to their house for cookies and ice cream. We had a short visit their due to the time an Mason's bed time. Cameron gave Mason a helicopter that he just loves! Thank you Cameron!!!

Mason crashed on the way home. When we got back to Gramps house, we changed all his clothes and put on pajamas and through all that, he never woke up. Saturday we woke up and stayed around the house. Gramps wasn't feeling all that well, so he rested. Mason and I went the hardware store and checked out the Radio Flyer wagons, bicycles, lawn mowers, and many other various items. Saturday afternoon, we went to "kiddie park." For those of you who don't know, it is a park of miniature amusement park rides for kids. Mason had lots of fun!

Daddy even got to ride one ride with Mason because he was too small to go alone...we decided to stick our tounges out at mama!!!

We left the park and had dinner and then back home. Gramps wasn't feeling well. When we woke up on Easter Sunday, Gramps was sure enough sick. It was cold, cloudy, and really windy outside, so we couldn't hide eggs. Sad for our little guy, but mama went outside and walked back in with his Easter basket telling him, "The Easter bunny left it next to our truck." He didn't care, he just started opening eggs and eating chocolate!

We left and went home around 9:30. I think it was the first Easter in my entire life I wasn't at church. I am happy to report that Gramps was feeling better today, so I hear. When we got back to J'Ville, it was pretty outside, so Mason got to play in the yard and use up some of the stored energy from the ride home! He (and mama and daddy) slept well Sunday night!

Now we are back to the grinding stone this week. Mason doesn't get to eat but a piece or two of candy each day, so he loaded them all up in a toy car he has (in the hood) and drives them around the house. It is a big car you sit on and push with your feet.

He is working the system though. After he has his few pieces of candy he comes over to daddy and says, "Do jew want sum candy daddy?" "A chowklet egg?" I reply,"Sure buddy, thank you." To which he gets an egg out from under the hood of his car and procedes to tear off the foil covering. Once uncovered, he brings me the egg and just as soon as he drops it in my hand he says, "Daddy, can you bite it in half and give me some?" I am way too soft...lets just say he ends up with more than a few pieces of candy each day. :-)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Let's make a deal.

This is a picture of "tummy swinging" as Mason calls it. He is getting pretty good at it if you ask me! Sunday, after his nap, we went to the park, a.k.a. East Side Elementry for a slide and a swing. Mason loves being there and playing on all the equipment. We love it because it is all fenced in and we can let him run and roam without having to chase him around every moment!

While we were there, another group showed up to fly their kites and Mason and I watched in awe. I haven't flown a kite since I was a kid. I may have to pick one up and do that!

Gigi and Grandad came to the "park" with us Sunday. They enjoyed watching Mason play also. It is also great having two more sets of arms and legs to chase him! :-) Here is a picture of us on the swing...he wanted to swing for an unusually long arms about fell off!

Well, it is spring break now for the munchkin and his mama. They have been taking it easy and relaxing around the house for two whole days now. We are going Thursday to see Gramps in San Antonio. We are supposed to go to the zoo while we are there, Mason should love that. I guess the Easter Bunny will find us there? I'm sure he has the same magical powers that Santa has.

Sometimes you just play so hard you have to lay down and rest for a minute. I think Mason agreed on Sunday. This was his own doing, not prompted. He is such a "little man" now. I have told him a time or two that "If you drink your milk (or whatever) we will get a snack," which I follow with, "Is that a deal?" You know what is coming. Now every time he wants something or wants to negotiate, he is saying, "Can that be a deal daddy?" Watch what you say mom and dad...they are always listening!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Don't forget the Bugs!!!

That is what Mason kept asking me when I was sick last week..."All better daddy?" I am happy to report that we are ALL better. Mason only had two days of fever Thurs. and Fri., then a sluggish weekend, but no fever. Yesterday he was back to his old self!

Nothing too exciting to report this week. Aunt Jaime came home this weekend and played with our little guy. I think he wears her out! Just about the time she thinks she has snookered him, he is back for more! Mom and dad enjoyed playing with him this weekend also.

Mason has been in a surprisingly good humor since his sickness. He actually wants to play with daddy. DID YOU HEAR THAT?! He was hiding under his coloring table Sunday and asked me if I would get under there with him. So I did. Then we proceded to pull all the chairs in around us. Mama tried to come over and participate in our fun...then...Mason said, "No mama, this is for boys only, you're a guryle!" We got a good laugh from that one!

Well, that is about it for this past week. One more little tid bit. At bedtime, Amber always takes Mason up to bed, while I clean up the living room, etc. We have a little goodnight ritual, he and I, hugs, kisses, and then a little good night banter. I tell him good night, to which he replies. I tell him sleep tight, to which he says, "I will." I tell him sweet dreams, to which he says "You too daddy." And Sunday night he added, "Don't forget the bugs!" I'm sure somebody told him "not to let the bed bugs bite" and he got it a little misconstrued. He is such a thoughtful and loving child, what a blessing he is.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stink'in Flu

I apologize for being gone so long. Weekend before last, as I previously posted, Amber was sick with a "stomach bug." We will never believe anything mama/wife says again! A week ago today, I contracted that "stomach bug" that MOST PEOPLE call the FLU! Five full days I lay in bed, no contact with the outside, no munchkin love, nothing. Finally, yesterday I feel back to normal, and our little guy comes home from daycare with the same thing. Amber took him to the doctor today and confirmed it. He has had his flu shot, so maybe he can skate through his sickness without hitting all the potholes like dad did!

If you look through the slit in the bag, you can guess who is in there. NOOOO, not Amber. If you have a little one and want to laugh a bit, just get out some luggage and throw it in the floor...just be ready to play hide and seek...ALOT!

This was in our bedroom where Amber had unpacked from the weekend. Mason would run to our bathroom door, where his mama was and close the door...then run to the suitcase and jump in saying (listen to this) "I need some privacy." I was just standing in the corner laughing. He didn't seem to mind me there, but needed some privacy from mama! Ha! He has also started saying that if we are in the bathroom going potty and she can see us from the kitchen, he says, "Daddy could you shut the door, I need some privacy." Where does he get this stuff?

This past weekend, while daddy was about to push up daisys due to the "stomach bug" (i'm still bitter), mama and Mason went to Aunt Erin's to play with Ava and Gramps! Mason had a big time. He loves going on a Mule ride and seeing all the cows.

Here is Gramps and Mason just say'in "Hay." He sure did have fun playing outside and looking/climbing on all of Uncle Greg's tractors and implements. He always has fun with Gramps. I was sad I didn't get to go visit and play.
Well, I have about exhausted all my knowledge and I am out of cough drops here at the computer. Lesson of the week: If your significant other complains of the "stomach bug," lock them in a hepa filtrated room and slide food and meds through a slit in the door! You don't want it!