Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Is is 2008 already?

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I don't ever really feel old when I have a birthday. It just seems to pass like any other day of the year. But when it comes to New Year's day, that is when I feel old. Something in my anal, number crunching brain starts adding and subtracting all the milestone dates in my life with the current new year number. Whew, 16 years since the driver's license, 14 years since high school, 10 years since college, married 8 (wonderful) years, and 2 1/2 since I became a father. How many wonderful experiences we have had...and how many more are to come.

We have had a busy couple of weeks since Christmas. Aunt Jaime was home a few days, we had many friends come by to see us including Chris, Alison, and Joshua. Joshua and Mason had fun together. Joshua liked chewing on Thomas the Train. Mason said he heard that was popular with the younger crowd! They certainly had a good time playing.

We also had Brian, Jennifer and Wayne come by along with Parker T. from up the street. I dare not call them the three amigos, but they WERE quite a trio. Wayne, much like Joshua Brown, is quite the chewer/slobberer. Slobberer...do you think my English teacher would approve?

I am also a proud father to announce that we are 100% potty trained! We have successfully mastered going tee tee both sitting and standing, we have mastered No. 2 (He works for us!). We still sleep in a "night time" diaper to keep from having to change the bed in the event of an accident. He has only leaked a couple of times though. We are so proud of him!!! Yeah Mason!

He has stared at the Methodist Readiness School and is doing ok. He is having a little seperation anxiety from him mother after being home with her for the past two weeks. Each day has gotten a little better for him, so by Friday I bet he won't want to come home. Ha!

Tonight was my dad's birthday, 57. He wanted to go to Chili's. I don't know if he picks that place because he likes it or that his grandson loves it. I don't know if Mason really loves Chili's, or just the Molten Chocolate Cake! I give you my word, that boy has eaten ten of those things in the past year if he has eaten one! Must take after his mother!! Hehe!!

This is not the most flattering picture of our monster Mason, but he loves playing around the house in his beanie and mittens. He reminds me of an angry snow plow operater about to drive around and knock over everyone's snow men. I know, I have twisted thoughts! My favorite times are when I can sit and watch him play when he doesn't realize I'm watching. I'm sure much as our Father enjoys watching us run around trying to be the best parents we can for our little man. :-)


Alison said...

I'm with you on the Molton Chocolate Cake, Mason! There's nothing wrong with warm, gooy chocolate and ice cream. Yummm.

E @ Scottsville said...

Awwww, what a sweetheart he is! Too cute. When are you guys gonna get in your car and get down here so we can SEE you in person???

Oh well, I'm so glad I get to keep up with your family via blog at least! =0)

♥ Erica

Tricia said...

I can't believe he's completely potty trained!! Really, I'm just jealous because potty training seems like a totally foreign concept in our house right now. Matt likes to talk about it and read about it, but that's where it stops(sigh). Way to go Mason!