Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just Digg'in

As we are about to celebrate our two year, five month birth date, Mason is funner (I know that isn't a word) than ever! We have so much fun with him. He has such a different personality than either of us. I see little quirks of mine and small subtle things he does like Amber, but mostly he is a person of his own and that is so cool.

The weeks just fly by, and we don't really have a lot of excitement during the week...but on the weekend, watch out world! This weekend we got to RIDE ON A BACKHOE!

This treat (for Mason) was courtesy of my parents septic system malfunctioning over the Thanksgiving holiday. I helped my dad redo all the field lines on Saturday morning and Amber made sure Mason was there to see the tractor in action.

I think the boy will be a tractor operator. He gets such a thrill out of making the bucket go up and down and turning the steering wheel back and forth. We could have rode that thing all the way to Montana and he wouldn't have cared.
Look at the pumpkin man here. As strange as it is, our little man has a special place in his heart for pumpkins and acorns. These are two of his favorite things to play with...along with dirt.
His favorite toys right now are his miniature monster trucks (oxymoron), his basket of groceries, his Thomas train set, and his Frosty the Snowman stuffed doll. Mason is crazy about Frosty. He goes around singing the song all day at the top of his lungs..."Fwosti da snow man was a jowy happi sowl." One of his favorite thing to say now is "Mama...what chu been doing?" "Daddy, where hab chu been?"
As I began saying, he is tons of fun. I can't remember what it was like before he was around, but it couldn't have been as fun as this!

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