Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Troubling Week

In a week normally filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming holidays, dear friends of ours had a tragic death in their family. Steven and Trisha Jones are dear friends of ours and her brother and sister-in-law, Bryan and Sarah Moran, are aquaintences through them. Bryan and Sarah tragically lost their youngest daughter, Audrey Kate, only two years and seven months old. I'm sure I have told many of you personally of this tragedy, but those whom I have not, I ask you to pray for them as often as you can. Pray for Bryan and Sarah, for their stregenth, and peace for their hearts. Also pray for their two other daughters, Caroline and Mary Claire, along with the rest of their families.

At a time of year when familys come together to share the holidays together, sometimes the idea of how fragile life is and how often we take it for granted gets lost. We just expect everyone to be at Thanksgiving dinner, just like last year and the year before that. Only the Lord our God has enough wisdom and comprehension to understand such a tragedy as the Moran family has gone through. Who are we to question God...yet our hearts are so heavy for this family. I ask you once more to pray for them dilligently, and cherish each moment you spend with every friend and family member over these holidays.

On a happier note, we would like to welcome Parker William Travis to the neighborhood. Sorry I don't have a better picture, but this is what I've got. Parker is a little over a month old, mama and baby are doing well and daddy is back to abnormal. He is a cutie!

We are also looking forward to "baby Wade" who is on the way sometime the first part of January! I'm sure she will be a cutie also. I can see she and Parker holding hands already! Ha!

Well, Mason has had a fairly uneventful week here at his house. We went to IHOP on Saturday evening for dinner. Mason had a smilie face pancake with strawberries for eyes and bananna slices for the mouth. He ate all the fruit and didn't have much to do with the pancake...normally one of his favorites.

We also decorated for Christmas this week. That is an event with a two year old running around with ornaments and whatnot. Whew. He is going to be a lot of fun this Christmas, I can already tell.

Mason is excited about his Gramps coming to see him Thursday morning. He is always talking about Gramps' house. He has only been to Colorado twice and San Antonio once, but it is Gramps' house this and Gramps' house that...sorry Nanna. :-)

We will be going to Gigi and Grandad's house for Turkey day. Lots of family as I understand. Mason's favorite thing at Gigi's house is the dirt pile, Granddad had something to do with that. Mason loves playing in it and making "tini tiny hiney slides," as he calls them when he slides down from the top of the pile. It may be too cold Thursday, but we will see. May just have to get bundled up and get dirty.
We wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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