Wow, that's one quarter of the year! A lot has happened since we last spoke.
Mr. Strikes Alot went bowling for the first time. He though it was really cool! He actually beat his mama, but we don't have to tell everyone that. Mason has also figured out the Wii. He loves to bowl, golf, and play tennis. He is a hoot to watch!

Mrs. Prissy Pants decided to get a lot of teeth and personality. She is a ham, and loves attention. So much like Jaime Prewitt, it's scary! Ha!

Mr. Fidgety Fingers decided to participate in the Bible School program for the first time. We were so proud our child stood and sang with no outbursts or wondering around. Everyone else was disappointed, because they always expect a laugh from whatever it is Mason does when he is on stage!

Princess Fine Hair has finally got long enough lochs of hair to wear pig tails, bows, and clips without them falling out all the time. She helps with the "falling out" part quite a bit!

Master Mathematician went back to school in late August. Just in time to go on vacation!

Daddy's Sugar Booger loved the ocean. She was very independent and wanted to run out into it all by herself.

Capt. Crow's Nest enjoyed the heck out of seeing the Battleship Texas. He climbed all over that thing and had a gillion questions. He has drawn it and built it out of Lego's at least a hundred times since we have been home!

These clowns had a good time at the beach and on vacation. I'm about half way through the pictures. I think I will sleep for tonight and show you some more in a week. If you get time, read Job 38-41, it doesn't take long. It sucks you in and you will want to read it over and over. What a great, magnificent, detailed, caring, loving, thoughtful God we serve. I will never question Him, yet say, "Here is my life, use it to Your glory and honor."