Monday, May 31, 2010

Lot's has happened!!!

Lots of stuff since last we talked. The weekend after my last post, we got to go to Dallas and visit Joshua Brown!!! Mason was so excited and they both played really well together. I think they were both so excited that neither of them slept much, but much fun was had. We played at the park, ate some yummy Mexican food, and Al cooked us a scrumptious breakfast Sunday morning before we had to leave! We are looking forward to going to the beach in September!!!

Anslee Kate has been into everything...literally. She is up and moving, but still prefers crawling for long distances and speed. She is good for a 5'-6' journey on foot, then eats it, or goes to the knees. She is so fun and happy to be around. She had her first lawn mower ride in this picture!

A week ago, Mason found a new friend on the back porch...he was enamored by it. He even went so far as to name him...Greenie! Funny how the things we take for granted are so new and vibrant to our children. Makes me pay more attention for things like silly green lizards!

Yes, simple a bucket of water!

Yesterday we went to the lake with Uncle Ray and Aunt Monica. Mason got to tube again like last year. Aunt Jaime is bringing her camera with all the pictures today so we can download. I will post them later this week. Today Mason and I were upstairs building train track, well Mason was building...I had my finger's crossed this was going to work. Totally his idea, totally done by him, dad didn't help at all. I thought engineering a four story round house was due a picture! Have a great Memorial Day and i'll post again soon!