Monday, February 15, 2010

He did/She did

He did...not want to quit swinging when we went to the park last week. He wanted to swing in my lap like when he was smaller...which I enjoyed because he wants to do everything "himself" these days. So we swang...for like an hour! I thought my hands were going to fall off, but I wasn't stopping until he wanted to. I know my hugs and kisses are numbered as a "dad," so I'm going to take all the cuddle time I can while I can still get it!!!
She did...not really enjoy grandma's 90th birthday party. It may have been because she got her first tooth last week!!! Now she will not let you put the spoon in her mouth without chomping the rubber coating with her one tooth and making you fight her for the spoon!
He did...not want to quit playing in the snow after about an hour in the freezing temps. I was so glad we received our 4-6" on Thursday night so that Mason could play in the snow. With Nana and Gramps in Colorado, he talks about the snow a least this year he got to play in some!
Our snow man, "Frosty," has been melting since Friday. Every time we leave the house, he gets excited and says, "There's a little bit of Frosty!"
She did...nothing short of melt my heart when she touches my face, ever so softly, and says "da da." She is so happy to see me each time I come home and has brought even more joy to my life.
He did...have some wicked spills on the trash can lid while sledding Friday! How much fun does he look like he's having?!?!

She did...confirm that I am her father, by trying to down the last of the Dr. Pepper Saturday afternoon. How can I deny that this is my child? Who needs DNA when you have DP?
He did...bounce off a little energy Saturday afternoon at Tyler Vinings birthday party. Bounce house establishments are just stinkin' fun. I just hate that I have to take a shower after we leave. Ugh!
She did...turn eight months old today. In addition to the new tooth, crawling for twelve days, and saying, "da da," she decided today that she would pull up and stand up next to the ottoman and play with her purse. Let's just say she takes after her mother. She is quite the over achiever!

And finally...
She did...allow me to be her Valentine one more year! We went to a hibachi grill restaurant with friends from church and my sister. We had a really good time. Afterward, we went to Starbucks and played games, speed scrabble to be exact. My sister gave us a good dose of John Prewitt trash talking followed by John Prewitt whining due to getting spanked by the youth minister and our friend Trey. The youth minister, who we will not name...we'll just call him Doug, admitted to cheating in a text message after leaving the Starbucks victorious. It was a hilarious evening. We enjoyed our time together and our friends. I made up for the lack of blogging with a really long one. Maybe I'm off some of your bad lists now! Ha!

Monday, February 1, 2010

About to...

This one is about to crawl. She has taken a try at it several times, then face is just any minute she will be gone. She is pretty quick with her army/belly crawl, especially when motivated by Lego's or any other toy of her brother's she is not supposed to have. Katy bar the door, when she is mobile, we are going to be in trouble.
And this one is about to be grown. He took his little sister for a ride in his Gator the other day. He shielded her eyes from the sun, held her hand, and took very good care of her while he drove her around. Although she looks scared, she really liked it.

They are both getting so big. Mason is doing great with school. Things have seemed to really click since the holidays, he is coloring very meticulously, and able to communicate what they learned at school EVERY day. He tells me the letters, sounds, and combinations of sounds he learns, and what words go with those sounds. I think that is my favorite part of the day to see the pride and joy in his face as he remembers the words he learned. I am so proud of him. Anslee terrorizes him because he things she is going to druel on whatever she touches. It is a funny cat and mouse game with those two.

This one is loving being home with the kiddos!

Our Sunday school lessons the past few weeks have been from Ecclesiasties. Solomon seemed to have written this book as a journal of observations and conclusions. He states several times that all his labor was for nothing and meaningless. It is our curse as man to toil and labor on the earth, Adam and Eve insured that. It is our choice however, to find joy in all things whether that be building homes, tending to the sick, teaching children, investing money, practicing law, mowing lawns, or collecting garbage. We all have a purpose to fulfill. We may not be satisfied with the place God has placed us, but we should be content in Him and serve in the capacity we can. FFH has a song called "Lead," that is my favorite right now. Take a listen if you can. Wisdom is what Solomon had, wisdom is what the Bible says we should seek. He concludes his book with, "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." Ecc. 12:13-14