Well, haven't talked to you since Oct. 28th...we have lots to cover.

Mason was a farmer for Halloween, and Anslee was a pumpkin. They were both very cute and cooperative with pictures. They actually didn't get to go trick-or-treating. We gave Mason a bunch of candy and took him to mom and dad's for a visit. He didn't seem to miss it. We will do better next year!

This one is all smiles! As of late, she has three moods: happy, hungry, and sleepy. Her personality and demeanor is totally opposite of Mason at her age. She is so very sweet and always excited to see me when I come home. I think her favorite thing to do is watch Mason. He is always babbling about something and she is quite happy to sit and listen. She doesn't like to let her mama get out of eye sight though. Spoilt child!

I forget all we did in November, but we have been busy. Amber is teaching children's choir at church (Mason's age) and she is getting ready for the Christmas musical. They had a warm up during the Hanging of the Greens service Sunday night in which they sang two songs...Mason played with a piece of string in his pocket and adjusted the microphone. The rest of the kids she taught did great though! Mason and I had a talk afterward...he will be singing next time.

We decorated for Christmas a few days before Thanksgiving. Mason was a big help. It is neat seeing him more interested each year. I know it will peak soon, so I enjoy it while we can! He has only watched Polar Express 627 times. And that is just the past few weeks! Ha!

Puddin' pop is eating some food these days with some rice cereal mixed in. I think her favorite is sweet peas. She has also had carrots, green beans, apple sauce, and bananas. She seem to really enjoy eating each night. She lunges for the spoon which makes it difficult to feed her sometimes.
We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt and uncles this year. Many of my mom 's family came from Houston and we all enjoyed the time together.

Our gifts are definitely under the tree! What a blessing they both are. I thank God for each day He gives me with them.