Yes, this is Mason and his two cousins washing off all the mud they played in Monday...since all it does is rain anymore, we just decided to play in the mud! Ha! Actually, I wasn't there for this one, but he had a blast at his Aunt Erin's with the girls.
Mason informed his mother, on the way home from school last week, that "he knew everything." To which Amber replied, "No you don't." Mason replied, "Yes I do." Amber, trying to out smart him, "No you don't, only God and Jesus know everything!" Mason, without hesitation, "They sent in down to me in a little note." Are you through laughing? I have more.
We have children's church for about 5 mins. during the service each Sunday. Mason has been old enough to go down front since he has turned 4. They only do children's church during the school year, so these past four Sunday's were his first times. First Sunday, he tried to take the teacher's prop from her. Second Sunday, he crawled across the banister that hides the organ. The third trip, while the teacher was making a point about the bible, Mason stands up and announces to the whole congregation (with arms open wide no less), "I read my Bible EVERY night!" And this past Sunday, after making a scene while trying to show the teacher his acorn, when the kids were asked to answer a question, Mason blurted out "GOD!" in the microphone...luckily it was the correct answer! What are we going to do with this one? Everyone waits in anticipation each Sunday to see what Mason will do next...I don't know whether to laugh or cry...I'm still laughing for now!
And 'ole blue eyes here...she makes quite a fuss as well...just not in front of the congregation at church! She is doing great! She is sleeping all night...or at least 5 of the 6 previous nights. She turned three months yesterday. Where does the time go? She is happy for the most part...has laughed for Amber...just smiles at me mostly. It is a beautiful smile! She has a really sweet personality and wants to coo and smile at anyone who will give her a smile :-)!
Gigi and Aunt Jaime are cruising the Caribbean as I type. They called and said they were having a blast. I asked dad if he thought they were going to pay for us to have a "father/son" trip...HA! Fat chance!!! Jaime has started a website and home photography business on the side. She is really good and she really loves doing it. Someone wise once said, "Do something you love and you'll never work another day." She may have found her calling!?! Her website is www.jaimepphotography.com if anyone wants to take a look see.
Well, I'm full of info, but don't have many pics this time. I hope to have more next week.