Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but we at Mason's house woke up at 6:24 a.m. to the monitor ringing in our ears, "MAAAHHHMMMAAAAHHHHH. DID THE EASTER BUNNY COME???"

How can you not run up the stairs and get this cutie yelling that? I don't know, but I played possum and Amber went! Ha! We made him lay in bed with us until 7 hoping he would fall back asleep, but to no avail! The Easter bunny brought him the game Operation, since he is currently into being a doctor and all. It is a great goal, but I just don't know if dad can afford the 8-10years of college! Ha! He loved his game.

We were off to church and then to Gigi's house for lunch. This was a good picture of Mason with his mama. We couldn't get sister in the picture also, sorry! We enjoyed a delicious lunch with Gigi, Granddad, Grandma, and Jaime. Mason played until he was exhausted. Fell asleep on the ride home.
A few weeks ago when Jaime was home, she brought her guitar and was showing Mason because he had all kinds of questions about guitars. Here is a cute picture of them playing...don't worry, Jaime has since changed her hair back to the natural color!

We also went to our niece's birthday party Saturday. Ayden turned one year old and made the most of it! This picture is mainly for Nana and Gramps to see how much Ayden takes after them at the supper table! Haha!!!

That's about it for this weekend. I am ready for bed if this sugar rush will go away! Hehe! We had a great weekend and Easter Sunday with our family. Between school, Sunday school, and our teaching, we asked Mason why we were celebrating Easter today and he responded, "Because Jesus came out of the tomb!" Thousands of preachers said that same six word sentence thousands of ways today, but probably none so simply as my son.