Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday Extravaganza!!!

I think everyone we know is having a birthday over the past month! We had the privilege of going to two more this weekend. Friday after school, Mason and mama go to go to Grayson and Drew Gaddis' birthday party! He had a blast there. It was fire truck themed and he came home with a little fire truck and a fire extinguisher that actually is a squirt gun! He doesn't know that yet, so let's keep it on the down low!!!

Saturday afternoon, we got to go to Lauren Wade's 1st birthday party. She was actually one year and three days, but who's counting! The kids had a blast. As you can tell, this is the best picture my wife could get because they wouldn't stay still. I have several pictures, but most were blurry. I'm going to have to remember to put the camera on "sports" mode with the fast shutter to catch these kids in motion!

Parker T. was in the house also! He is getting really big! He is looking all suave in his big boy clothes. He better get his act together, he's going to be a big brother about the same time Mason will!!! We had lots of fun at Lauren's party...especially eating cake!

That was the bulk of our weekend. Church was good Sunday. Mason asked tonight how Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. He literally wanted to know HOW. We tried to explain that is why Jesus is so special...and he seemed to accept it. He is very technical these days with his line of questions, so I know this one will come up again. He asked Amber about cemeteries the other day, to which she explained that is were we bury bodies after people go to be with Jesus. The next day he wanted to know if there were any little boys or girls there. That is way too big an issue for him to be wrapping his brain around. Amber said, "No...mostly old people." What do you tell your 3yr. old? AND he also asked, "Is Goliath in heaven?" I know the answer, but if you tell him no, he's going to want to know where Goliath is! Amber didn't answer that one, she was just silent, and he said, "He probably is."

I pray for wisdom each day...I think I will start praying for LOTS of wisdom to be able to answer my little "question machine!"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mama's sick :-(

Look at this guy. This is one of the only times he went down on his bottom. The boy likes to turn around and slide down on his belly! Comical to say the least.

Mama is sick. After having an ultra sound Thursday and seeing our newest addition with ten fingers and ten toes, she decided to catch a cold or something. It is Tuesday night and she is still recovering in the guest bedroom. Although, Mason and I have seen her much more yesterday and today than over the weekend!

Here is ole "cheesy fingers" himself eating some Cheetos at one of the birthday parties he attended over the Christmas holidays. Notice what all the other kids are eating and then see his PB&J sitting on his plate. The boy doesn't like pizza! This querk, along with recent DNA evidence, points in the direction that he is, in fact, my son! Ha! The blond hair is still in question!

Mason HAS been eating what we refer to as "big boy food" this past week. My wonderful wife has prepared two meals at each "feeding," one for she and I, and one for Mason. We decided that this must stop. Mason was informed, conformed, and adorned with dessert due to his success! He has eaten the same meal we have for almost a week now. Mom and Dad: 1 point!

Here is mama and Mason from our trip to the deer lease last week. It is a little hazy from the camp fire smoke...blame the camera guy. Mason and I hung out alot this weekend since mama was sick. Sometimes I have a pitty party because he mostly wants his mama or plays by himself, but he always wants to go with me when i'm going somewhere. And he always wants to ride with daddy in daddy's truck. That makes me happy! As if I don't have anything else to be happy about?! Ha!

Finally, congratulations to Steven and Leslie Remy for having their beautiful baby girl Sydney! We are very excited for you and look forward to seeing her in person.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Holidays

I know, I'm the worst blogging dad ever! Man have we been busy at Mason's house and have I been tired. Whew. I guess first of all, we should address Chirstmas.

We had a great Christmas. We spent Christmas eve with Amber's parents, sister and her family in Brownsboro. Then drove home in time to put Mason to bed so Santa could come and see him. I think Amber and I were more excited than he was. We recorded Chirstmas morning on video, so I don't have any stills of that. He saw the gifts that Santa brought...surveyed them...seemed to say, "Yup, that's what I asked for..." and proceded to say, "Mama, which presents under the tree are mine." Ha! Little toot! He loved all his prizes and had a blast opening and playing with them all.

I will have to say that one of the biggest hits was a "Lightning McQueen" cd player Gigi got for him. He goes into a daze when he puts those headphones on. Amber says it will be nice for when we travel...I just keep thinking of Warren off the movie "There's Something About Mary." Ha!

I don't know that the stainless steel strainers are a better look, but he at least talks and interacts with you with it on! Ha! These two look like they are trying to keep the aliens from scanning their brains! They would only get a bunch of tractor and "Cars" stuff from Mason...who knows what would come out of Granddad's brain?!

Well, I know I have been brief. We really have done a ton over the past two weeks. I will share the pictures and stories over the next few weeks. We did go on a cook-out at the deer lease Friday night. That's were we got this cute picture. We are so thankful and proud of our little guy...what joy he has brought us. As we go into the new year with great expectation and anticipation, the realism is that along with the good times, there will be tough times and dissapointment. As I was reading in the book of John several weeks ago, chapter 16, vs. 33 changed my perspective on several things. It is a "red" letter verse, and that is exciting 'cause Jesus was talkin'. In the second half of the verse, he says emphatically, "In this world you WILL (future tense) have trouble. But take heart! I have (past tense) overcome the world!" How much more assurance do we need than that?