Ike didn't even phase Mason. Other than the occasional question about why we were watching the weather on tv or why the generator was so loud...he was oblivious.
Aunt Jaime was in from Dallas and we went over to mom and dad's before the festivities started with Ike. We saw all her fantastic pictures from Ireland. She had a blast it looked like. Except for the food. Sorry Al. She was sure tired of fish and chips when she got home. I think she headed straight for a Chick-fil-a and a Dr. Pepper. I really can't tell how we are faimily...Jaime and I?!?!
Anyway, Mason enjoyed playing with her and Gigi and Grandad most of the morning Saturay until the lights went out. Ugh. Monday afternoon, the glorious Oncor electric service had us up and running again. Thank you Lord for the cool weather. It would have been miserable if it was still 90 degrees and humid.
Excuse my son's attire. He looks like a professional athelete just off the bus and preparing for game time. Actually, last week, Mason drew his first smiley face all by himself! We were so proud. The next day he drew a stick man not too dissimilar to the one shown here on the magna doodle. He and we are very proud of his artistic accomplishment and tell him each time. I don't know who he is drawing, but they sure are fat with really skinny arms and legs! Haha!
He is growing up so fast. Just tonight, Amber had "Meet the Teacher," and it was just Mason and I here at home. (I don't know which teacher Amber went to meet, but anyway.) We had to take a trailer to mom and dad's and on the way out in the truck, he said, "Daddy, today I saw Sam (his buddy) in the hallway when I left the kitchen (at daycare) and I said 'Hi Sam.'" That was all. He just wanted to share with me that he had seen his buddy. It made me smile that he is able to communicate so well and a little sad that he is growing up so fast.
I will leave you all with this picture and explaination. As we all know, daddy likes NASCAR. If I'm privileged enough to sit around the house on Sunday afternoon, it is on the television. I suppose it could have rubbed off a bit. I was making an invoice out on the computer a few weeks ago on Sunday afternoon while listening to the NASCAR race from the living room...and in comes my son exactly as the above picture illustrates, banging into the wall and zooming around. I tried to calm him down and say, "HEY, hey, what are you doing...be easy." To this he responds, "I'm a race car driver!" I tried to hold a straight face and asked, "What's that on your head?" He said, "My helmet!" Out smarted once again...3 yr. old vs. a 32 yr. old and he wins every time!!!