Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Weekend Away

Well, this past weekend Amber and I went to Dallas for a long weekend to celebrate our eight marvelous years together. This left our munchkin with mom and dad. We hardly recognized the spoiled boy when we got home. I think he got everything he ever wanted in a three day span! New tricycle and all!

Amber felt bad all weekend so it was probably good that we were apart from the bundle of energy so that she could rest. He has been running around the house this past week calling her "mama babe." Pretty funny to me. I don't know where he go that one.

Mom and dad made mason this "map" on an old cardboard box. It included "Gigi's house," where Tow Mater is parked, the deer lease, complete with coyotes, tents, etc. and many roads.

Like I said, what more could he want?

Here we are a few weeks ago at Grandma's house. This is G-ma's first time on the will never be the same! Four generations of Prewitt...pretty scary! Grandma enjoyed driving Mason around on her golf cart...I think it scared his mama, but Mason loved it!!!
Well, that is about it from 'ole J'ville. Pretty calm in these parts. We are praying for Rusty Clark, my college roommate Jeremy's dad. He had a mild heart attack Monday and a triple by-pass Tuesday. He came through, but is a big man and has a long recovery in front of him.
I find myself watching what I do and say more and more each day. I was informed by my 2yr. 7mo. old child this evening what my phone number was. That blew me away. He is also quite the problem solver. I told him he had to ride home with mama because daddy's work truck did not have a car seat. He told me, "Take that car seat right there in mama's car and put it right there in daddy's truck." So I did, just as I was told my the toddler. I'm just a puppet, controled on a whim by the puppeteer!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sunday was Mason's first trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. It was Sam's birthday, the son of his day care provider, and Mason was excited. He loved the rides most of all. He thought the tokes were money, so he wanted to know where they were at all times. Personally, I remembered CEC being much more fun, but, as I have said, I'm old! :-)

He even got to meet the "Big Cheese" himself. I don't know who was more excited, Mason, or his mama! Ha!

This week has been pretty low key. No "ice falling from the sky daddy," or "spanking spoon" drama. Our little guy is getting bigger and smarter every day. This week, when I tell him goodbye in the mornings and to have a good day, he replys, "I will daddy." He also has started saying, "I love you daddy, good night and sweet dreams," unprompted. Makes you not want to put him to bed!

Mason is also able to go to the bathroom on his own now. He is pretty efficient at everything... except aiming! We will have to work on that. In the mean time, I think I will still help him rather than constantly clean the toilet and bathroom floor! He is growing up so fast.

I don't know if he is the Lone Ranger, Clint Eastwood, or one of the Musketeers, but he is a handsom guy!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy "sugar rush" Day!!

Our little boy is getting bossy. Nuf said. He was staying with his Gigi this past Friday afternoon when it was time for nap. Mom put him down and Mason would just not give it up and go to sleep. After 3-4 repromands, she decided to take the "spanking spoon" in the room with her. Here is the conversation:

Door opens...

Mason: I don't need that right there. (Refering to the spoon.)

Gigi: Well, you lay your head down on that pillow right there and go to sleep.

M: Well, YOU lay that spank'in spoon down on that bed right there.

Mom said she had to cover her face to keep from laughing. He did go to sleep though!

She bought Mason this cowboy hat...which he declares he must have while riding "Pinto" his horse. This picture is from tonight, Valentine's night, where he is wearing off some of the sugar rush from the giant, iced sugar cookie he ate after supper! I understand the sugar rush...but he never seems to crash like I do after a twelve pack of Dr. Pepper?

Parker T. came over for a visit Saturday. I don't know if he liked me, or was just sleepy, but he took a nap in my lap for a while. His daddy make fun of him, calling him "Fat Albert." I just think his daddy is scared because he knows that in about six weeks, Parker will out weigh him! Mr. Parker is a cutie though, we enjoyed the visit.

Sunday we went to the park again to swing. To our astonishment, Mason ran over to the swing...and about the time I though he was going to hit the swing with his stomach, flip over it, and eat it into the ground, he soared up into the air and swang back down with his belly laying on the swing's seat. Score one Mason. He learned a new trick and didn't tell mom or dad. Those sneeky daycare kids!

Well, it has been a busy week and we have a busy week coming up. Sunday will be Mason's first trip to Chuck E. Cheese. We will have the camera there in case the police need photo evidence.

Today being Valentine's day, just a quick though. I think the word "love" is thrown around too much these days. After all, it is the "action" verb used in John 3:16 that describes how much we are cared for, yet we use it to describe our favorite Mexican food or shoes or gadget. With that, I would say, use the word "love" with meaning. I love my family, I love my wife, I love my son, and more than all, I love my God for blessing me with them. Happy Valentine's day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We have come full circle

Well, after weeks of crying and unhappiness, Mason is back in Whitehouse at his old sitter. We figured if he didn't adapt after a month, it wasn't going to happen. Also, when you have an unhappy child all day every day, he is still an unhappy child when he gets home. Thus the change. I will keep you abreast of the situation as time passes.

Today was another first for Mason. While trying to exit Brookshires with his mother, golf ball sized hail pelted the pavement and mama's black car. We only have 40-50 good sized dents in the previously unscathed auto. Mason loved it though, came home telling daddy that ice was falling from the sky. I liked the story until I saw mama's car. :-(

Another first for Mason this weekend, his Gigi bought him some footies (Trisha knows what I'm talk'in about!). Mason loves them and calls them his new socks...I guess they are socks, but technically they are attached to the pants, who cares...he LOVES them!!!!

Sorry, daddy didn't take the best picture. Well, it has been a fairly boring week around here. We are just hoping the change of daycare will bring our fun loving little boy back!

I know last week I said everyone should climb on a piece of machinery for fun...I've got another one for you. We did go to the Intermediate school on Saturday and play on the playground. Mason loved the see-saw among other things. But as always, he loves to swing. He would swing for hours if daddy could last that long. But what memories that brings back, the same feeling in the gut of your stomach when you go a little too high. It is almost as if you were still young...if you couldn't see those adult legs sticking out in front of you. If you haven't swung in a while, is really a treat!