Thursday, April 24, 2008

It has been an uneventful week here at Mason's house. We haven't been anywhere exciting or done anything of signifigance. :-( Mason and Amber did get to visit baby Ayden, Gracie I call her, on Tuesday. Nana is still there helping out. She will be visiting us for the weekend starting Saturday and then leaving Monday to go pick Bobby up in San Antonio. He is done with his contract work and back to Colorado he goes!

Aunt Jaime is also coming home for the weekend. She and Mason always entertain each other...until aunt Jaime gets tired! Ha! I am going on a men's retreat with church Friday night and Saturday. Should be fun. Like I said, nothing much going on around here. I promise to get the camera out this weekend and get some fresh pictures for next week!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Busy times!!!

Things have been quite hectic around Mason's house these days. Seems like every other day we are having to clean house for people to come and look at it...but nobody wants it! :-( Ugh. Lots of effort to no avail. This "house cleaning" is why I missed blog night last week, then I just got busy and it was the weekend. Sorry.

Friday night at 9:22 p.m., we became aunt and uncle all over again. Ayden Grace Wyatt, 5 lb. 5 oz., 19" was born in Tyler, TX. Mama and baby are doing well and went home today from the hospital. I listed her "name," but it has been kicked around more than a soccer ball at a World Cup match. It could have changed since I was told?!?!?! She was a sleeping beauty when I got to see her yesterday. Never made a peep.

God kind of had everything worked out this weekend. I had plans to play football in Dallas Saturday and Sunday. Amber had a sister in the hospital, and Mason went to spend time with mom and dad who left on Sunday for a cruise. So, we all went our seperate ways and met back up on Sunday after lunch. While I was away for 30 hrs., Mason must have figured out what his Lego's were for. Amber said I had to look at the camera and see the picture Mason wanted taken.

He was so proud of his "sky scraper" that he wanted Amber to "take a picture to show daddy." He really did a good job. Amber said he built the entire thing himself and she had to pick him up to put the last few on.

When he woke up from his nap he wanted daddy to take a picture with him next to the sky scraper....then mama also!

Mason is getting tall...and heavy. You can see how tall his is when he is standing next to me sitting on the ground. I bought him some shoes Thursday and he is already in a size 8. Yes, I did get him another pair of "bling-bling" shoes! Sometimes we get flustered at Mason's hard headed nature and rebellion as a two year old. But when I step back and look at the larger picture, we are blessed with a wonderful little person that is so full of joy and ENERGY and wants to share it all with us. What more could you want?

He wanted to know last week why Jesus died...and where was heaven? What a marvelous thing to ask about and want to know...even as a 2 1/2 year old. We have never made a point to discuss Jesus and heaven with him yet, but we have always been honest when asked about the cross at church or other spiritual questions. So now he knows that Jesus died for our sins and that heaven is where we go to be with Jesus after we live on earth for a long time. :-) Tough questions to answer in 2 1/2 year old terms.

Well, I have shared all that I know. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ava's Birthday!!!

Friday was our neice, Ava Claire's, birthday. So, Saturday, it was time for a party!!! Mason had a blast at Ava's party. Gramps had bought her this Diego inflatable with a million of the balls, like the one Mason is holding, and they played and played in that thing.

Ava had tons of fun also! She blew out her candles as soon as her mama lit them...we had to sing Happy Birthday to smok'in candles! Ha! She is such a pretty little girl...and about to be big sister! Only a few weeks left!

Here is the big dog eating his cookie cake...nap time was Mission Impossible! Also here is a picture of the dangerous duo. They always look like they are up to something...which they ususally are!

I believe Mason had the most fun this weekend riding Ava's "for we-wer." He wouldn't get off the thing. If you can tell, his feet don't even fit on the steps on the side. Amber said we should get him one...I'm an old fuddy duddy and think toys should be powered by the child on them, not a battery. We shall see who wins out on that deal.

And finally, the story of the week. Mason was staying with mom and dad on Friday night so Amber and I could go out. Mom and Amber were at the kitchen table talking while Mason was running from the kitchen to the living room playing with dad. He told mom that he wanted something and she told him no. To this, he ran into the living room and threw himself on the floor and began to throw a fit. Dad raised his voice and said, "Joshua Mason, not in my house. We do not throw fits like that, it is not nice." Mason replied, "Well, I will go home and my mama will let me throw a fit." I wasn't there to hear it, but I'm sure his mama had to try to keep from laughing. Kids do tell the truth, whether we like it or not!